Friday Five: Sep 30, 2016

Mitchell J. Goldstein
Friday Five
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2016

1. 18 Months in Chiraq

Forrest Stuart embedded himself with the black youth of Chicago with the intention of studying their interactions with the police. Instead, he found himself integrated into a gang.

2. It Don’t Mean A Thing…

Silvia Kilingsworth on why some pop hits have such nonsensical lyrics. Unsurprisingly, it involves those infamous Swedish hitmakers.

3. Snap Specs

Snapchat (né Snap Inc.) has announced their entering the hardware market in the form of a pair of sunglasses that record brief clips of circular video. A good response piece found here.

4. Some New Music

from Bon Iver, Danny Brown, Nicolas Jaar, Francis & The Lights, and The Growlers

5. Brian Anderson: Gay Pro Skater

Vice Sports produces a special on the prolific skater’s coming out. Report from the New York Times here.



Mitchell J. Goldstein
Friday Five

Creative Polymath. Kings County, NY. @mgoldstein pretty much everywhere.