Evil Stepmother: Mississippi

Mona Biddy’s disabilities were not her fault, but her death was the fault of someone she should have been able to trust.

Brianna Bennett, M.A., M.F.A.
Friday Night Crimes
3 min readJun 27, 2020


Photo licensed by Shutterstock // Taras Leo

Narrator: Good evening and welcome back to Friday Night Crimes. This week, we’re focusing on the Magnolia State, or the state best-known for its river: Mississippi.

At the end of 1970, a six-year-old mentally disabled girl was found dead by two fishermen. The circumstances leading up to her death are simultaneously haunting and horrifying.

The Timeline: 1970–1979

Chronological Events of the Case:

December 3–4, 1970: Mona Biddy, a mentally disabled child, goes missing in the middle of the night in Jackson, Mississippi. According to her father and stepmother, Ted and Carolee, she wandered off while still wearing her green floral nightgown.

December 4, 1970: Despite a grueling 16-hour search, there was still no sign of Mona by the evening of the 4th.

At the age of six, Mona had a speech impediment, was pigeon-toed, had underdeveloped legs, and could say “mama” and grunt, according to reports. She also had the mental capacity of a two-year-old.

