How to Digital Protest

FFF Digital Team
Fridays for Future Digital
3 min readJan 5, 2021
FFF Digital Zoom Strike, courtesy of Ullapark Shark Ambassador

In the last few years, communication has become more accessible than ever. Humanity has gone from using traditional mail to social media, allowing us to send messages from one part of the world to another in seconds. This has been important in spreading messages of all types, including digital protests advocating for social issues. Nowadays, a lot of people can use technology to protest for a cause. Anyone with an internet connection has the ability to raise their voice and fight against what they feel is wrong. There are many ways you can carry out digital protest, but here are some examples.

  1. Online petitions: On the internet, you can find different petition platforms. On these sites, you have the possibility of creating or signing petitions to raise your voice against unfair situations. Furthermore, you can share these petitions or contribute to their causes monetarily. If you want to help with your signature, there are a variety of petitions that you can find fighting against pollution, violence, discrimination, animal cruelty and more.
  2. Social Media: This might be the easiest way to raise your voice. You can share activist posts or create them yourself. Also, you can inform about social problems or tell others about any experience related. However, remember to always be careful. There are many people that will not agree with you and will try to damage you, so do not share personal information with accounts that you do not know. Some platforms that you can use are Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, etc.
  3. Hashtags: These are important on any social media platforms. They can help your posts get more people interested in the problem you are talking about. With hashtags, you can acquire more visibility and you could go viral and mobilize a lot of people. Do not forget to put hashtags related to your protest posts so people can find them easily. Some examples are #climatejustice and #blacklivesmatter
  4. Blogs: If you are interested in informing people or telling experiences through text, this option may be for you. You can focus on one or more aspects of your interests and talk about it. In a blog, you can express yourself and be free to write what you want.
  5. Email: Sending emails to your friends or acquaintances is a great idea. You can encourage them to spread the message or to be part of the change. The best part is that you only need an email account to do this. Write a message explaining the problem and try to come up with solutions, then send it!

There are several ways to digitally protest at home. None of these methods require a lot of time or effort, and you can encourage your friends to do it with you! Do not forget to be respectful and take care of yourself doing a digital protest. Always think twice before doing or posting anything.

Start digital protesting! Together, we can build a better world. Good luck!

Written by Isabella from the FFF Digital Team
Edited by Aurora from the FFF Digital Team



FFF Digital Team
Fridays for Future Digital

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