Krista’s Bests and Worsts of 2021

A few random things I loved in 2021 and a few things I … didn’t.

Krista Frohling
4 min readDec 29, 2021


Wilma Teresa Frohling


There is not another animal I love more than dogs. They are my absolute favorite. (However, I do wish they greeted each other differently.) The carefree joy and unconditional love they freely express make me so happy. We have three of these creatures in our family and the only bummer about them, besides the amount they poop, is that they will die much sooner than they should. In 2021, I got to spend more time with them than I normally do and that was most definitely a gift.


Sudoku makes me happy. I solve a paper puzzle every morning with my coffee and then move to the daily app on my phone. There is no better way to start my day.

The Chosen

The Chosen is a series that allows us to see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him. I love it so much. We’ve watched both series twice and can’t wait for the third. Our teenage and adult sons enjoy it too, so it’s safe to say it’s not the typical, cringe-worthy, faith-based series with awkward acting and a pathetic plot. We have enjoyed many conversations spurred on by the diverse interpretations of historical events. You may need to push yourself to get through the first two episodes that are a bit slow and disturbing, but if you do, you will not be disappointed. I can’t recommend this enough.

Inspector Gamache Series by Louise Penny

This was the best book series I have read in a long time. Since there are 17 books in the series, it’s like a gift that keeps on giving. The characters feel like friends and I can’t wait to visit Canada someday. If anyone asks, just tell them “I’m F.I.N.E.”


Tums Chewy Bites have helped me in countless situations this year. The best part is they taste like candy! No yucky, chalky, dusty taste in your mouth. Just a few candies that make your tummy feel much better.

And now for the things I do not love…


Just looking at peas makes my gagger reflex go. I mean, how disgusting can a food be?? They coat the top of my mouth with what feels like lard from a nasty 1980’s bologna sandwich. Disgusting.


I know… also disgusting. Blisters are the worst! I do not like them ever. I had too many of them in 2021.


Moles are definitely not the most attractive animals to roam the Earth. They are also quite destructive and can cause even the most calm and even-keeled human to become distraught and overwhelmed.

(Extra) Vet Bills

These are always way too much. As I mentioned above, I love love love my dogs. I also do sincerely appreciate their vet. However, when he asks me if I want to add this or that extra, unnecessary shot or special food for my special dog, I find myself repeating the phrase: “No, thank you. I have three.”

Then, when inevitably asked again, I repeat: “No, thank you. I have three.”

I may be known to further add: “They’re lucky to have a roof over their heads and kibble to eat. I also have three sons. Two of whom are in college. So, no thank you to the extra anything!”

Mean Gossips

The worst of any year: mean gossips.

I’m tired of the meanness we continue to witness in our community and around the world. Please, can we all just get along?? Instead of speaking ill of others, let’s please build each other up.

Peace Out.


