Mare’s Media 2023

My favorite pieces of media, across categories, of the year!

Mariel Wettick
4 min readDec 22, 2023


I spent time binging, savoring, and feeling these:

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver

This was my first book of 2023. I loved every second of it. We are brought into the south eastern corner of Kentucky, with our main character, Demon. The book follows Demon from birth — and we get to experience his life amongst violence, addiction, and poverty in Appalachia. It’s a heartbreaking and beautiful story. I loved the way that it transported me into a different corner of American culture, one that I haven’t had much experience with, and one that often feels invisible in the grander narrative. It’s a long book, and at times I struggled to pick it up because the story was so sad. But amongst the pain was a stunning story that deserves to be read.

Emily, an icon from the latest season


A classic reality TV show. One of my best friends has been watching this for forever, and auditioned a few times. She is a Survivor super fan and in our 4 years living together, raved about it quite a bit. She hasn’t gotten cast yet, but she did inspire me to get back into it. I used to watch it growing up with my family, and probably stopped watching in 2006. This year, I finally picked up the remote and started watching again. I have now watched 9 seasons (yes, in just one year). It’s fun and easy to watch, and as a competitive person, I find myself yelling at the TV with anger and excitement. Every season that you start, you cannot help but falling in love with multiple characters and fully investing in their future. I recommend starting with David v. Goliath, Season 37. If you get hooked, reach out to me for more recommendations — there’s a method to the madness for how you should watch the 45 (and counting) seasons. I now watch the new season weekly with my friends. It’s a comforting tradition!

Poor Things

I just saw this and WOW! I’m not a big go to the movies girl, but I knew that this movie was for me so I bit the bullet and went to see it in theaters. It’s raunchy, devilish, and delicious. It felt like I was transported into a different world for days and days and hours and hours. The entire movie and every element is fantastical. Emma Stone is magical, the costumes blew my mind away (I want to wear EVERYTHING that Emma wore), the language and script were hysterical and crass, the visuals and colors were stunning, and wow — I could go on. Overall, I felt like I was on a wild ride, and the actors were so, so good. I will continue to laugh and awe over it.

Normal Gossip

My go to podcast. Really, my only podcast. I get bored listening to podcasts, and often space out and forget what I am listening to. But Normal Gossip hooks me in, and sends me on a journey. I listened to this podcast a lot this year, on my many long walks through the park, to my parents and friends houses, or to nowhere in particular. It kept me company and kept me laughing. Each episode is a juicy morsel of gossip told by the charming host, Kelsey McKinney. The gossip is a real story (altered for anonymity) told with suspense, humor, and disbelief. Some of my favorite gossip stories include: a fraudulent Orchid expert, a lesbian kickball league’s love triangle, and mishaps at a CSI camp.

Wet Leg by Wet Leg

My top album of 2023. Although the album actually came out in spring 2022, I found myself diving back into it this year. I listened to this album on repeat throughout the spring and summer months. It was an anthem that I needed, full of energy, anger, and love. Wet Leg is the band name and the name of their debut album. This British rock girl duo brings rebellious spirit and playful lyrics to each of their songs. They have songs that you can scream along to and dance too. I love their subject matter and their tone, and the way each song makes me feel.

Bonus: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

I am almost done with this book and it is blowing my mind. It’s captivating and rich. The story follows two best friends who go in and out of hating each other. It shows the nuances of young adulthood, and figuring out where you belong and how to treat and relate to those that really love and understand you. I can’t wait to finish it!

