Rick’s Favorite Walks of 2021
Central Park, Beach, Downtown, and a Carefree Walk Down Memory Lane
5. New York City through Central Park in late May. A warm clear day. I saw extraordinary areas of the park I had not previously recalled.
4. The beach at Santa Claus Lane toward Padaro over Thanksgiving at sunset. It was truly a remarkably beautiful moment. I am a huge fan of Santa Barbara sunsets.
3. Early morning in December in downtown Santa Barbara on a clear day after a cleansing rain. What was truly wonderful about this walk was unexpectedly being joined by my friend Trevor Young, whom I do not see enough. Trevor makes me happier about people.
2. The beach at More Mesa steps with my daughter Sophia just before we moved to a new home there. She was in a bad mood all day before the walk. Then we had the best time and talk.
1. Walking with Shelley near the Pacific Grove entrance to 17 Mile Drive in June — a brisk walk, no kids, no cares, natural beauty, fun conversation — all just after visiting the church where we were married 27 1/2 years before.