Market Analysis: eCommerce and digital capabilities of 60+ top faucet brands

Andrew March
Friedland Enterprises
2 min readDec 16, 2019

In December, we set out to take a look at the digital and eCommerce capabilities of 60+ top faucet brands. The results were interesting and insightful.

View the full report here:

Why we conducted the analysis

To give strategic decision-makers a broad view of the competitive landscape in order to benchmark their internal goals and progress as it relates to digital and eCommerce capabilities.

Key highlights

  • 66 faucet brands were evaluated.
  • 74% of brands have an optimized Google SERP display.
  • 26% of brands allow products to be purchased on their site.
  • 83% of the brands have a YouTube channel making it the most widely adopted social platform.
  • Because ALL social media platforms are free — it equates to free distribution opportunities; all brands can benefit from communicating their brand and messaging more effectively with consumers on platforms where their consumers are spending time.


There is a multitude of additional components associated with running a high-performing eCommerce operation, including eCommerce team/org, culture, fulfillment capabilities, merchandising, marketplace participation, site performance, and more.

Our goal is to encourage and support the leaders of faucet brands so they can successfully navigate the changing retail landscape and the online ecosystem.

Interested in how to create best-in-class eCommerce capabilities?

We focus on digital transformation and helping manufacturers sell directly to consumers online, through their site(s) and marketplaces. Reach out and learn more by visiting our site:

