Millionaire offended some people are now making $600 per week

Stuart Varney will tip no more

Barry Friedman
Friedman of the Plains
3 min readJan 11, 2018


What do you think happens to make people turn out like this?

“If I walk into a restaurant and I know the waiter or waitress is making $15 an hour, way more than they used to make the previous year, I am going to say, ‘wait a minute am I going to give you 20%, 15% or whatever?’”

Well, sure, if you’re a douchebag.

P.S. It’s the “way more” that makes it art.

Let’s continue.

That was Stuart Varney, on yesterday’s Varney @ Co. on Fox Business Network, railing against service industry employees who are now making $15 per hour (about $600/week if they work 40 hours). It is a rate he has previously described as a tragedy.

It’s not. This is.

British economic journalist Stuart Varney has an estimated net worth of $10 million. He earned his net worth while working for the Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network which started in January 2004.

Varney blames the push to increase wages in this industry, of course, on government regulation and Obamacare, and longs for the day when people would once again flip burgers and wear the paper hats for the experience and love of being part of America’s wonderful corporate engine. Captains of Industry want to be fair, he contends, to you worker bees, but, by God, if you keep insisting on living wages, they will fire all your asses and open up labor-less restaurants and stock them with robots from The Jetsons.

And you’ll have only yourselves to blame.

Varney says the cost to businesses will break them.

Most Seattle employers surveyed in a University of Washington-led study said in 2015 that they expected to raise prices on goods and services to compensate for the city’s move to a $15 per hour minimum wage.

But a year after the law’s April 2015 implementation, the study indicates such increases don’t seem to be happening.

The interdisciplinary Seattle Minimum Wage Study team, centered in the Evans School for Public Policy & Governance surveyed employers and workers and scanned area commodity and service prices. The team’s report found “little or no evidence” of price increases in Seattle relative to other areas, its report states.


To be fair, Varney is not just a soulless peddler of right wing propaganda; he’s also an aping racist.

Let’s remember his warning to football players that they should always remember and appreciate what the massas have done for them.

Opinion on the network was reasonably varied. Stuart Varney, a pundit on both Fox Business and Fox News, took aim at the various subsidies NFL teams receive to build its stadiums. He says that players and owners who take a stand against the anthem or the flag should be careful not to “bite the hands that feeds” them.

Hold up, hoss. I thought standing for the anthem was to respect the troops, not because Jerry Jones built the team a nice workout facility and stocked the coolers with expensive energy drinks.

One more thing: Varney also appears and sometimes guest hosts on FNC’s Your World.

Don’t be fooled. It’s his world. Oh, you can serve him in it — just not at 15 bucks an hour.

