Senator James Mountain Man Inhofe, research

Why we in Oklahoma can’t have nice things

Senator Jim Inhofe and his alleged mind.

Barry Friedman
2 min readJun 28, 2017


Look, it’s an ignoramus … a homophobe … a climate denier … an ideologue … a sanctimonious horseman … an aging, dangerous pilot … It’s Mountain Man!

Even before this yesterday …

@JimInhofe on health bill: “I’m not sure what it does. I just know it’s better than Obamacare.” Asked HOW it’s better, gets into elevator.

There was this …

“As you see here, and I think this is maybe the most important prop we’ll have during the entire debate, my wife and I have been married 47 years. We have 20 kids and grandkids. I’m really proud to say that in the recorded history of our family, we’ve never had a divorce or any kind of homosexual relationship.”

And this …

[M]y point is, God’s still up there. The arrogance of people to think that we, human beings, would be able to change what He is doing in the climate is to me outrageous.”

And this …

It doesn’t matter if Obama would nominate George W. Bush,” he told host Chuck Todd on MSNBC’s MTP Daily. “I still would not do it. None at all.”

And this …

Senator Inhofe has ridden horses in Christmas parades for three decades. He says he’ll only ride in parades that have Christmas in the title.

And this …

In a recorded conversation with Lee Williams, an FAA quality assurance specialist, airport manager Marshall Reece tore into Inhofe’s piloting. “I’ve got over 50 years flying, three tours of Vietnam,” Reece said, “and I can assure you I have never seen such a reckless disregard for human life in my life.” He then added, “Something needs to be done. This guy is famous for these violations.”

The worst thing about Senator Inhofe is that it’s never the worst thing.

