Aditi Ashok makes it to the list of “The First Indians”

Tanya Shrivastava
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2017

We’ve all heard of those legends and have tried to follow as well, all in the list of “the First Indians”. These were and are great men and women who acquired things like none of us have ever before. They’ve done some really miraculous things and became the first ones ever to have done it. It is because of these people and their noble work that every next generation looks up to them.

The list doesn’t just have people who’ve won noble prizes or have been the first ones to step on the moon, or for that matter done, touched, smelled, invented, discovered, and so on. It is the names of people who have been the first in anything and everything one can possibly think of.

One such name has now been added to the list now, Aditi Ashok. As young as 19, she is the first Female Indian ever to be making it to LPGA tour Championships.

It was the First time that India represented in Women’s Golf in Olympics.

It was about the time when India never had a golfer to represent the nation in the big game, Olympics. But not until Aditi came into the picture. The young Bengaluru golfer was the first one take India into the Rio Olympics in the year 2016, as Nation’s First representation into Women’s Golf.

And right before the Olympics, she said, “To be playing for my country at the Olympic Games is a matter of great honor and immense pride. I feel I have adequate experience of being in an elite field such as this and I wish to use learning from my past experiences to do my best. In terms of planning for this tournament, all I am doing right now is working hard on all aspects of my game, putting in a lot of practice hours and that should help me get ready for the tournament.”

Her Achievements

Aditi Ashok, is the real-life example of girl power and enthusiasm, filled with passion and love for the game. She has really got to be influencing a number of females to do better and move ahead in life.

Following the pursuit and love of the game, her achievements are:

  1. 2011 USHA Karnataka Junior, Southern India Junior, Faldo Series Asia — India, East India Tolly Ladies, All India Championship
  2. 2012 USHA Delhi Ladies, USHA Army Championship, All India Junior
  3. 2013 Asia Pacific Junior Championship
  4. 2014 Eastern India Ladies Amateur, USHA IGU All India Ladies & Girls Championship
  5. 2015 Army Ladies & Junior Championship, St Rule Trophy, Southern India Ladies & Junior Girls Championship, Ladies’ British Open Amateur Stroke Play Championship, Thailand Amateur Open
  6. 2016 Hero Women’s Indian Open, Qatar Ladies Open
  7. 2017 Fatima Bint Mubarak Ladies Open.

Who won’t be inspired by this young girl, achieving so much at this age?

No wonder she’ll be rocking the Golf Course later in life in ways nobody else ever did or will do. The girl is an example of all levels being surpassed and forming new ones.

Aditi Ashok, the name resonates. She is one of those role models we tend to give examples of, to others to instill passion and motivation to achieve whatever they want to in life.

Friend Colony supports and wishes Aditi Ashok, Good Luck for a bright future ahead!

