Tips to be a better Sportsman

Tanya Shrivastava
Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2017

Being a sportsman is no easy thing. You’ve got to play, attend ceremonies, train, practice, stay fit and so much more in a single go. But what makes you a good sportsman are the qualities instilled in you. Qualities as Commitment, Hard work, Patience, Persistence, and perseverance. But what makes you better is that you maintain the existing ones and instill new ones. Not just to your game but also in your nature to make you a better human, in turn, a better sportsman.

Here are a few tips to follow up towards being a better sportsman:

Commitment, paves your way towards being a better sportsman.

Your team is the one you’ve got to spend the majority of your day and time with if you’re into any sport and following it with utmost passion. You’ve not only got to be one of the best players of your team but you also need to be the best player for your team. Understand the needs of the team and help other players get better in their game.

It is only when your team succeeds, you do!

But in games where individual player needs to perform, such as tennis, badminton, and athletics, you yourself are your family and your game is all that you have and that you need to work on. Just commit to the game and see the miracle of it committing back to you!

Have individual training program.

Training is crucial to your build as a sports person. Training with the team makes you confident about your team game and helps you interact better and build coordination with the team. Whereas when you start training individually, apart from the regular team training on a regular basis, you start to enhance your techniques and tricks to play the game in a much efficient manner.

Be Punctual and stay focused in your training.

Punctuality is one important trait that is valued all around. And if you’re punctual you’ve won halfway through. The impression you leave over others itself builds your image as a sportsman and this gets into your habit, making it easier for you in other parallels of life.

In a day, a man’s mind has 50,000 thousand thoughts, wherein for a woman, this might just be double of it. And while training if such thoughts cloud your mind then the entire time you invest goes in vain, as well as the energy and efforts. There you are, one step behind towards becoming a craftsman of your sport.

Make the sport you’re passionate about, your priority.

If you love something it tends to stay on your mind for almost the entire day, the entire week and throughout the year. Similarly, to be a better sportsman, you must love a game. And once you love it, it becomes your passion.

And when something is done with passion, it achieves the highest precision.

When it becomes your passion and you start to excel in it, it certainly becomes a priority to get better and better each passing day. But when you don’t excel, that is the time you need to make your sport a priority.

Making it a priority will not only improve your game but will also help you to deal with stress and have you look at your capabilities in a much healthy light.

Keep a positive attitude and set goals.

Optimism goes a long way through. It not only helps you feel better but also teaches you a number of things such as patience and believing in yourself and others which come handy in life.

Setting goals makes you work even harder, improvise your technique and game tactics.

Goal setting is easy, but goal meeting isn’t.

To meet your goal you need to follow the above-mentioned tips and within no time it’ll all be yours.

You’ll be the perfect craftsman of your sport and indeed a perfect Sportsman.

Get going, Follow up the people around you and build your team.

Train and be a Sportsman the world has never seen before!

Find your sports partner at Friend Colony.

