A Roadmap for creating a Safe Place to Work by Sharry & Knight Frank

Friendly Buildings
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2020
An article by Knight Frank experts with a Sharry on top

How will we repopulate the workplace? It is critical to build trust
and confidence with staff to ensure that they feel safe during the comeback. There are two categories of change that will need to occur in the office.

Environmental and Behavioural Changes

Next, print out a floor plan for your workplace and perform a “COVID-19 Overlay,” both for risk and social distancing/capacity.

Risk overlay

Identify spaces and items by their risk for surface transmission of the coronavirus.

More at bit.ly/Risk_Overlay

Capacity overlay

The COVID-19 “Capacity Overlay” provides options on how to use space to accommodate the work- force in the office using social distancing recommendations. The Capacity Overlay can be compared with the number of people planned to be in the office to help determine areas that can be used.

more at bit.ly/Capacity_Overlay

→ Review Risk Levels with Your Cleaning Company
→ Finalize and Communicate Your Plan with everyone in the office

If you have more questions about the strategy for re-occupancy, please write on ACWorld@knightfrank.com or hello@sharry.tech



Friendly Buildings

Smart Is Not Enough. Create Friendly Buildings.