aFriendlyData · FriendlyData Announces FETCH, a Natural Language Search Interface for Enterprise Data

Michael Rumiantsau
Friendly Data
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2018

We are pleased to announce the launch of Fetch — a Natural Language Search Interface for enterprise data. Fetch enables non-technical team members to access data quickly and easily, using their own language, without the need for expensive developers or database professionals.

Fetch allows you to ask questions about organization’s data in plain English and returns result in a suitable format back to you (charts, tables or direct answer).

FriendlyData has addressed a huge need in the world of enterprise data by helping non-technical people access critical data in a secure, intuitive way,” said Alex Nenadavets, Lead Strategic Intelligence Analyst at “Individuals and teams that rely on timely, trustworthy data now have an amazing new tool at their disposal.”

The following features of Fetch ensure intuitive and efficient access to enterprise data:

  • Data Visualization brings data to life, offering a better and faster way to identify patterns, trends and correlation in the data sets — the most intuitive way to uncover actionable insights.
  • User-friendly Search: smart autosuggestions, “did you mean…” algorithm and a spellchecker, based on machine learning algorithms — all these make data search more effective. In addition, users can mark the suggestions using a feedback system to improve the autosuggestions process.
  • Metadata: by using metadata, FriendlyData will suggest the correct query to a user and take all the guesswork out of the process of building queries. It helps reduce errors by automatically building the right query in just a few clicks. It also can drastically improve the accuracy of FriendlyData’s parsing algorithm.
  • Multi-table Search: the enhanced support of a multi-table data structure allows users to query multiple tables and perform analysis, using data from all necessary tables.
  • Multi Language Support: with the upgraded text localization support, users can query their database in different languages. This allows more people within an organization to have easy and instant access to enterprise data, which is essential for multinational businesses.
  • Exporting data: With FriendlyData you can export your results (reports, diagrams, tables etc) in the CSV/XLS formats.
  • On-premise deployment provides more control and is suitable for strict security policies.You can rest assured that sensitive and high profile data will never leave your private network.
  • Extended Support and Service Level Agreements ensure smooth integration of Natural Language Interface with your database, providing your company with an easy and powerful data discovery.

At FriendlyData we have reimagined the world of enterprise data, and we are working hard to fundamentally change the way people interact with their internal data. So FETCH makes data accessible to all, saving organizations time and money and making their teams smarter by bringing data to them in a secure, easy to use way.

Decisions need data — provide your company’s decision makers with the data they need to drive the business forward! Be the first to try Fetch!

Originally published at

