Cancer and Mental Health

Some lighthearted things to note about cancer. 👇🏽

· The best way to frustrate cancer out of your cells, is to keep choosing life, every time the option points at death.

· Cancer, like many other diseases open your eyes to the love you never knew existed, the friendships you never valued to be so strong, and that’s enough reason to not give up.

· We ask you to never let this make you feel less of yourself, you’re still you and you are amazing.

· Everyday you live with cancer is a step further away from being a victim, to being a survivor

· You’re not the prognosis, you’re not the statistics, you’re a being greater than the science of cancer, don’t ever allow it kill the light in your heart!

· The best words you can say to a cancer victim are “I’ll be there with you all through” and the worst thing you can do is to go back on your promise.

· There are two types of cancer, one attacks the body and the other attacks the mind, the first may get you, but never allow the second the second keep you down!

· Keep fighting! The worst death is to give up every hope of living while you’re still alive, as long as you breathe, there’s nothing you can’t overcome.

· We know it is hard to feel wake up feeling motivated to take it one day at a time, but darling, remember — Waking up to see the sun rays caressing your beautiful face, and the leaves waving their little fingers at you, is a sign that life is not giving up on you yet, and cancer is not enough reason to think otherwise.💕 ❤️

· Sometimes we do not always know how much life is worth, until something comes to remind you of how much days you’ve got left. We need to be reminded of this, that we can’t take away the pain of someone living with cancer with our words alone. Get closer, stay with them, hold their hands, help them fight it till the end.

And always remember that the universe has a plan for you! 💕💕

. -Sanusi Afeez : Twitter — @AfeezSanusi1

