Effects of Drug Abuse on Adolescents

— By Samson Ephraim

“Give me rizla, give me ganja, me I Wan feel highrey, I Wan jogodo”

These words blast through the speakers of a bar close by. As Forces of motivation subconsciously becomes reality, 19 years old Ali brought out some wraps, flaring up a joint. The more the smoke, the more the indulgence. He was celebrating his admission into his desired university with some friends.

Few minutes into the dark cold night, my phone rang. It was my friend Imran.

Imran: haaa, Ali is dead o.

Me: What happened?! How?! Where?! When?!

I had so many questions. I heard from him just this afternoon.

Imran said he was knocked down by a fast moving car while trying to get across the street . The driver sustained deep injuries, unfortunately, he also didn’t make it.

Medical tests revealed they were both under the influence of alcohol and weed.

Such a sad story. Two promising men lost,just like that.

Hm, pass me the yoghurt.

These are some of the few effects of drug and alcohol abuse in adolescents. The negative effects becomes apparent when addiction develops. Abuse of substances both in solid or liquid form is not only dangerous to health but also to parties related to the abuser.

Responsible reasons, which often are glaring depicts why wanton drug and alcohol use could lead to harmful results. Ideally, Such alarming rate of negatives associated with drug and alcoholic abuse should be clamped down by responsible agents of action; government, brands, medical care practitioners and interested bodies.

The prevalence of sexual harassment, rape, murder, drink and drive accidents can be associated with extreme use of drugs and alcohol. It becomes easier for engagers to get sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancy along side other abnormalities due to lack of mentally conscious decision making and care free attitude at the moment of engagements.

The effects of this low-end on adolescents thus far is devastating. It damages the self esteem,confidence and self belief of an individual to the extent achieving certain life given purposes becomes a burden , and they begin to exhibit a lackadaisical behaviour towards general activities .

Therefore, it is of high importance for influential sectors to collaborate and collectively take towards curtailing this menace which poses a huge threat to the mental health of young persons, especially adolescents. Inducement for easy accessibility should be withheld except for critical situations which warrants depressant and use of other control drugs. The taxation of brands and businesses involved in the manufacture and distribution should not go unattended. The Initiation of monitoring team should be established.

There are more Ali’s out there

Let’s join hands in saving lives!

Samson Ephraim

