National School Counseling Week — 2

Addressing the importance of counseling in Schools.

In the world where individuals are in the race to reach their peak, school has been one of the medium they go through. In the process, many started the race with a lot of baggage, while some picked them along the way, some took the wrong routes, made some bad decisions mingled with the wrong companions, while some are not really certain where they are headed…and that’s okay.

We cannot deny though that this had caused many students to be vulnerable to some sort of mental disorder which can cause some hindrance to achieving academic excellence and unfortunately, the possibility of any student falling victim to any of these, is inevitable.

Counseling is defined by Merriam Webster; as a professional guidance of the individual by utilizing psychological methods especially in collecting case history data, using various techniques of the personal interview, and testing interests and aptitudes.

School counseling is a safe unit designed for students or pupils to have free access and seek for guidance on their academics and how it relates to their lives. It has a high positive impact on the lives of students when done right.

Students often find it perplexing to understand some school basis, which is evident to their background. This has sometimes induced depression and often leave students prone to stress, anxiety. which when. It handled right negatively affects their productivity.

Mental health professionals stress the importance of talking about such issues, but students tend to consider these stresses a normal part of academic life. In other cases, they may lack the time, energy, will, and/or money to seek the support they need.

This has been a tremendous challenge students are go through in their various school has causes many students to derailed from the right lanes or not even finish their academic journey. Due to the differences on how individuals respond to prospect matters, many students have/sometimes engage in all sort of violence and tragedies, which is terrifying.

A Nationwide investigation has shown that about one of five schools don’t have counsellors, which leaves students and the schools more vulnerable to violence and tragedies cases such as suicides. According to an analysis of the most recent U.S. Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection from the 2015–2016 school year. Experts and Stark believe fixing that problem will help deter future violence.

The demand of school counsellors is on the rise, as is a basic tool to reshape the students mindsets and bring them back on the right track to achieve a good academic excellent, bieng more productive and living a prosperous lives.

More so, rising awareness on the impact of school counselling will go a long way in mitigating the rate of depression and suicides, as it serves as safe space for individuals to freely speak out and seek for solutions to their problems

Abdulbasit S. Mikail


