Welcome to Multiply!

Friends Multiply
Friends Multiply!
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1 min readJun 19, 2015

Multiply! is an online journal designed to encourage a passion among evangelical Friends Churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ and start new congregations of disciples.

FriendsMultiply! is a group of apostolic & catalytic leaders from among the nine evangelical Yearly Meetings of Friends Churches in the Unites States. The nine yearly meetings who participate in FriendsMultipy! are:

  • Alaska Yearly Meeting (EFC-NA)
  • Evangelical Friends Church — Eastern Region (EFC-NA)
  • Evangelical Friends Church — Mid America (EFC-NA)
  • Evangelical Friends Church — Southwest (EFC-NA)
  • Indiana Yearly Meeting (FUM)
  • Iowa Yearly Meeting (FUM)
  • North Carolina Yearly Meeting (FUM)
  • Northwest Yearly Meeting (EFC-NA)
  • Rocky Mountain Yearly Meeting (EFC-NA)

Welcome to FriendsMutliply! May the articles here inform, encourage, challenge and inspire you and your church to make disciples who make disciples, to restart dying congregations, and to start new congregations of disciples.

In His Service

The Catalyst Team for FriendsMultiply!

