My Writing AGENDA Took a Detour to Help a Medium Friend in Need!

Have you ever had your writing agenda planned for the day, until something else demands your attention?

Justiss Goode | F😄M
Friends Reading Club


Photo Provided by Author- via

Do you know how you can tell you’re a true writer to your core, and your inner muse is really the one in control?

It’s when you have your whole writing agenda planned to a tee, but suddenly you’re forced to take a detour.

I’m not talking about when something deadly or serious occurs in your life, which immediately demands your attention.

That sort of goes without saying, with all the ups and downs and twists and turns that life throws us everyday. This can cause chaos with your writing routine, if you happen to stick to a writing schedule. But all that is par for the course.

I’m talking about when you have it in your mind, to focus on writing something very specific for the day, but without warning, that inner muse demands you spend time writing about something else entirely.

This happens to me all the time, and that something else is usually connected to something very personal or emotional that I experienced, prior to starting on the agenda I had planned. I often find that it involves helping a friend or family member in need.



Justiss Goode | F😄M
Friends Reading Club

Prolific Writer | Publication Editor | Friend of the Community: Always down to support fellow writers and their stories, in fun, creative, and promotional ways!