How do Powerful Women Tame a Man?

A deep insight!

Friendship, dating and Relationship
6 min readMay 19, 2024


Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

Many girls don’t know how to deal with the relationship between men and women. A truly powerful woman knows how to tame a man. The most important thing to tame a man is to first learn to improve your EQ and IQ.

Know how to manage the relationship between two people, and be willing to spend time and energy to make yourself better. When you become more and more sophisticated, your behavior and dealings with others will become more and more generous. When you take care of others and cherish yourself more, when you are no longer confused and anxious about the unknown, you no longer look at things and people superficially, and you have deeper judgments and thinking.

At this time, the charm exuded by your whole person is mature and pleasing to the eye. Men’s eyes will naturally be attracted to you. To tame men, you must learn to use the following three points.

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

01. Learn to praise men and give them a sense of accomplishment.

Many people often say that women need affirmation. Men also need praise and recognition. No man will mind if the woman he likes praises another man in front of him, because men have high self-esteem, which will make the man feel that he has lost his sense of value in front of you.

Frequently praising a man will make him more motivated. Once a man knows what he is good at, he will be more confident in that aspect and hope to work hard to do better in this aspect. If he does better, he will be more confident. , the more confident you are, the better you will do, and it becomes a virtuous cycle.

Moreover, boys like the feeling of being admired, which will make them feel more accomplished and feel that their self-esteem has been satisfied. Look at him with appreciation, and he will become someone you admire.

When you look at him with disgust, he will become what you hate. Whatever you want him to look like, you must learn how to look at him.

No matter what kind of encouragement you give him, a woman with high emotional intelligence will praise a man and make him feel more accomplished. When Cai Shaofen and Zhang Jin participated in the show, Cai Shaofen could not hide her praise for Zhang Jin. I think if it weren’t for that heartfelt appreciation and encouragement, Zhang Jin would not have continued to grow.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that a good husband is praised by his wife. Learning to praise her husband is a skill. Only by treating your significant other with love and appreciation can you get a sweet relationship with each other.

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02. Know how to encourage men and let them continue to grow

There are no born good men in this world. Every good man is nurtured. Do you think men know how to take care of and considerate women when they are born?

Are you born a gentleman? Do you naturally like washing dishes and doing housework? Do you think this is all innate? Then you are wrong. Good men need guidance, and boys are also fragile.

When facing a man who is under great pressure, you must not ask for the reason, then criticize him, try your best to support him, cook something he likes to eat when you get home from work, accompany him quietly, and don’t ask too many questions.

Men usually like to be silent when they are under great pressure and do not like too much interference from others, so at this time, try to curb your gossiping, don’t express too many personal opinions, and encourage him more.

When facing a man who has no confidence, we should encourage him, explore his advantages, constantly repeat his advantages, and express that we have confidence in him, love him very much, and what help he has brought to our life. , give him chicken blood, and make him realize that he is a useful person and feels needed.

Facing a failed man, failure is a more serious situation than lack of confidence. Many people will suffer from depression when experiencing the ups and downs in life, so companionship and evaluation at this time are particularly important.

Don’t criticize him all the time and force him to achieve certain results, because a failed man faces a lot of pressure from the outside world. If double pressure makes people suffocating, give him more encouragement and he will Only then will we continue to grow and make changes.

Photo by Paco Vaca on Unsplash

03. Let go of expectations and accept men

Sometimes if you have too high expectations for others, you will often get hurt in the end. It is often not others who torment you, but your unrealistic expectations. Many times our unhappiness is due to expecting too much from others and slowly losing ourselves in relationships.

And humans are really strange creatures. When we choose to rely more on others, we will have more dependence and demands on them.

Expect others to do a lot of things for you. If they fail to achieve a certain point, you will feel very disappointed. But in fact, no one can understand us so tacitly and completely help you solve all the things in life. Well cared for, this is rare.

Appropriately lower your expectations for others, so that when they do something you have never thought about and expected, it will be a surprise. You will look at the person around you with a grateful heart and eyes that discover beauty, and you will look at both of them with a relieved heart. In terms of personal feelings, you will also find many small lucky, and interesting things in life.

If you have more gratitude and surprises in your limited life, you will become more confident and confident, and you will be more relaxed when it comes to relationships. When your demands and expectations of others become lower, maybe you will also meet a better self and reduce excessive expectations and demands. If you must demand, then demand on yourself. I hope we can all meet in the long years. Better myself and him.

Photo by andrew welch on Unsplash

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