There is a Kind of Kindness Called “Meddling”

Meddling in other people’s business

Friendship, dating and Relationship
7 min readMay 5, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

It is estimated that when seeing the words “meddling in other people’s business”, many people will involuntarily think of a sentence in their minds: “It’s wrong to be meddling.”

Indeed, “Everyone sweeps the snow in front of their door, don’t worry about the frost on other people’s tiles”, “Take care of yourself, don’t bother others”, etc. have become some people’s philosophy of life.

But life is not black and white, nor are people indifferent to each other. If you are not maliciously interfering in other people’s lives, satisfying your selfish interests, and infringing on other people’s rights, but sincerely helping others solve their problems, even if you occasionally meddle in other people’s affairs, it will be fine. It won’t be disliked.

Such “meddling” adds warmth to society and others, and saves other people’s lives and property. On the contrary, it is the kind of kindness we should remember.

01. “Meddling” to add warmth to society and others

“Ding-ding-dang-dang, ding-ding-dang-dang…”

Don’t see the person but hear the sound first. As soon as the residents hear this “exclusive ringtone”, they will know that police Officer Ben is coming.

A few years ago, when Ben was visiting the community, he met a brother and sister whose parents died young. The brother and sister depended on their grandmother. He immediately took the initiative to give part of his salary to the family as a living allowance.

One day the brother and sister had to go to the city to do business, leaving their grandma alone at home. The brother and sister were worried, so they handed the key to their home to Ben and asked this “big brother” to help take care of him when he had time.

Later, the brother and sister kept the key in Ben’s hands. Whenever he visited the village, he would always go to this house to see what difficulties they had in life.

Some villagers who had been working outside for a long time and had elderly people at home heard about this, so they got another key to their homes and asked Ben to keep it for them.

Since receiving the first key in 2015, Ben has kept 119 keys to villagers’ homes!

In addition, he also takes care of many ordinary things that parents have trouble with. For example, people who work outside sometimes ask him to visit their homes and help pay utility bills. Some people also ask him to send documents from home to the place where they work…

It can be said that what Ben holds in his hand is not only a key but also the deep trust and great responsibility of the people.

Great love is invisible, found in every moment of daily life, and permeates every aspect of life.

In life, we do encounter people who are indifferent to others. They may be immersed in their small world and lack interest and concern for the people and things around them. This attitude may make them feel relaxed and comfortable, but to those around them, it will feel cold and alienated.

We cannot lose faith in human nature because of this. In this world, there are still many people like Ben who are willing to lend a helping hand, care about the needs and feelings of others, use actions to convey warmth and care and make the world a better place.

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

02. “Meddling” to save other people’s lives

Ray was picking up a young guy. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got on the bus, the young man threw him a wad of cash worth 100 yuan, saying it was a tip for him.

Ray was confused and asked what was wrong. The young man spoke with a crying tone and was very emotionally unstable. He named his destination “in the middle of Tuoer Bridge”.

Ray was shocked at first. After noticing the abnormality, he immediately calmed down and listened patiently to the young man’s thoughts of committing suicide due to emotional and family reasons. He was like a caring big brother. While comforting the young man, he quickly turned the steering wheel and drove to the police station.

Ray was shocked at first. After noticing the abnormality, he immediately calmed down and listened patiently to the young man’s thoughts of committing suicide due to emotional and family reasons. He was like a caring big brother. While comforting the young man, he quickly turned the steering wheel and drove to the police station.

On the way, the young man asked Ray many times to send him to the bridge. He always persuaded him patiently. The young man asked in confusion: “I can’t even recognize you, what can you do for me?”

Ray said: “I’m afraid that you will regret it, and that your family will regret it.” “Don’t worry if you get in my car today!”

While he was talking, the car had already driven into the police station.

After repeated counseling, the young man’s mood gradually stabilized. Ray returned a wad of cash “tips” to him, and the police also sent the young man home safely.

Ray’s words “Don’t worry if you get in my car today” not only mended a broken heart, saved the young man’s life, but also saved a family that was almost torn apart.

Ask yourself, if we encounter a similar situation, should we pretend not to hear or see it, or should we hold on to that enthusiasm and extend a meddling hand to prevent the tragedy that is about to happen?

There will always be various challenges and difficulties in life that make us feel confused, frustrated, desperate, and even doubt the value and meaning of our existence. But a warm word or a caring gesture from others is like a beacon, illuminating the way forward. The road makes us no longer confused and afraid.

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

03. “Meddling” to protect other people’s property

A few mornings ago, Frankle, a barber welcomed Leo, a regular customer of the shop.

During the chat, Frankle felt that Leo’s mood was not right.

It turned out that a friend of Leo told him that there was a “policy” in one place, and you did not have to repay the loan if you went to do business there. He didn’t want to miss the opportunity to make money, so he decided to invest 160,000, but his wife refused to let him go, and the two came to the point of divorce.

Seeing that Frankle was puzzled, Leo dug out the chat records to prove it.

When Frankle saw it, he felt it was very unreliable and reminded Leo whether he had met a liar.

But Leo didn’t take it seriously at all. He also said that his friend who originally ran a noodle shop had closed the store and took out a loan of 100,000 yuan. He also recently bought a luxury car…

Seeing that he could no longer persuade him, Frankle had an idea and persuaded Leo to get a perm because “you have to be more energetic when talking about big business next time.” Leo readily agreed.

While waiting, Frankle excused himself to go shopping and quickly ran to the police room next door to call the police. Anti-fraud police officers checked the contents of Leo’s mobile phone and determined that this was an investment and financial management fraud.

Leo finally woke up from a dream and realized that he had been deceived.

Just imagine, if Frankle “didn’t care about his affairs”, Leo’s 160,000 yuan would most likely be in vain, and he might even end up with his wife and children.

I have to say that Frankle is very good. Not only can he cut hair, but he also cut off a telecom fraud case very tactfully. This kind of “meddling” is full of positive energy and only ten thousand likes are enough.

I believe there are still many “Frankle” around us, thank them for making the right decisions at critical moments, and thank them for their willingness to lend a “meddling” hand.

Although sometimes we may be misunderstood as being meddling, it is this seemingly unnecessary and misunderstood kindness that converges into a stream of warmth, giving warmth and strength to others.

We should not put away our goodwill because we are afraid of being misunderstood. Instead, we should be braver and extend a helping hand to practice and pass on the kindness of human nature. At the same time, let us embrace those seemingly “meddling” behaviors with understanding and tolerance.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

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