Tolerance Is the Flame That Keeps the Relationship Warm Between Husband and Wife

Tolerance is the source of happy life for couples.

Friendship, dating and Relationship
6 min readMar 16, 2024


Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash

I once read a story about a famous cartoonist who was in his 90s, and his wife, who was in her 80s, who lived in harmony and spent sixty years of happiness together.

Talking about the secret of their happy marriage, he summed it up with a few humorous words: “My wife is not wrong, it is all my fault. My wife is never wrong. If my wife is really at fault, it is also mine.” My fault was that I didn’t discover my wife’s fault. If there was no fault of mine, there would be no fault of my wife, so my wife is never wrong.

The comic master uses comic-style funny language to give us a thought-provoking truth: between husband and wife, we must know how to tolerate each other and learn to tolerate each other’s shortcomings to the maximum extent.

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

An expert once concluded that in all unhappy marriages, care and blame account for 80% of the problem, and they are the devil that destroys the relationship between husband and wife.

The reason why the Russian writer Tolstoy chose to run away from home, and even preferred to die in a foreign country, was because he could not bear his wife’s intolerance.

After Toon’s death, his wife regretted it, but it was too late.

Lincoln’s wife was picky about her husband in every possible way and often quarreled with Lincoln over trivial matters.

British Prime Minister Creston was a very strict debater at work, but at home, he was an open-minded person. His tolerance was the noblest virtue in the eyes of his family. The support of his family makes him more confident to invest in political affairs.

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

Tolerance is a kind of cultivation and a way of living harmoniously with others.

A wife or a husband is not perfect, and it is normal to have some faults.

Meeting is fate, and it is not easy for each other to get together. Tolerance can not only ease the relationship between husband and wife but also make our family happy. Why not?

There was a young couple who fell in love freely. After three years of dating, they got married and lived a sweet.

But after a few months, the excitement of the wedding slowly faded away, and both parties felt that since they were husband and wife, there was no need for you to be humble and give in to me.

As a result, they gradually became less tolerant in their lives. They often cared about trivial and never gave in to each other.

As time went by, quarrels became commonplace, and the small quarrels at the beginning turned into big quarrels, and even started to get physical.

The wife was very sad, accusing her husband of being narrow-minded with snot and tears, while the husband mercilessly scolded his wife for being a petty bourgeoisie. The good-natured family was at loggerheads, and both were in great pain.

A noisy couple is like a pair of cows trapped together, confronting each other, refusing to give in, and insisting on distinguishing themselves.

Although it is common for couples to argue, arguing can hurt feelings after all, and sometimes hurtful words will inevitably be said when angry.

Just think about it, we can be tolerant of others, but why can’t we be tolerant of our loved ones?

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Some people say that once you get married, you are a family and you are not an outsider, so why should you be tolerant?

You are my wife anyway, what does it matter if I act righteously?

You are my husband anyway, so what’s wrong with me worrying about everything?

This idea is a big misunderstanding!

Only by tolerating each other, we can understand each other!

The relationship between husband and wife can be said that two people who love each other come together to form a family and live together.

To say it is complicated means that in the long years two people spend together, they have to encounter a lot of friction and contradictions.

Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash

No matter how good a couple is, they will sometimes have conflicts. How to resolve conflicts and avoid conflicts has become a very important part of the harmonious relationship between husband and wife. This is also an art of life.

Although conflicts in life are inevitable, quarrels are not the purpose, but the method. The most intelligent quarrel is to achieve mutual understanding and tolerance through quarrels.

Everyone is in a bad mood sometimes, such as pressure at work, or a boss does not understand, etc.

It is easy for people to bring such bad emotions home. As a family member, if you can understand each other when the other person is in a low mood and does not care about the other person when he is upset, then everything will be fine.

Especially when couples have conflicts over trivial matters in life, blaming, complaining, and caring about each other can only add fuel to the fire and intensify the conflicts.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

At this time, what is most needed is mutual tolerance, especially the husband, who must take the first step of tolerance.

No matter what the cause of the matter is or who is responsible, the husband should be generous. In this way, the wife’s anger will slowly cool down, the mutual grievances will disappear, and the conflicts will be resolved.

In a family, if a couple is in a state of being unwilling to give up for a long time, their spirits will be suppressed, which is not good for everyone.

Just like the couple we mentioned at the beginning, their longevity must be related to their open-minded and tolerant personalities.

Tolerance is the flame that keeps the relationship warm between husband and wife. Tolerance is the channel for communication between husband and wife. Tolerance is the source of happy life for husband and wife, so we must learn to tolerate each other.

Meeting is fate, and it is not easy for each other to get together. Tolerance can not only ease the relationship between husband and wife but also make our family happy. Isn’t it?

Thanks for your reading!

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