You can be happy with outstanding people even if you fail.

Friendship, dating and Relationship
4 min readMay 28, 2024


It’s really important to be with good people. You become who you are with the kind of people you surround yourself with!

In the circle of ordinary people, they talk about idle things, earn wages, and think about tomorrow.

In a businessman’s circle, they talk about projects, make profits, and think about the next year.

In the professional people’s circle, they talk about opportunities, earn wealth, and think about the future and security.

In a circle of wise people, talking is giving, communication is dedication, and if you follow the path, everything will be naturally rich.

Photo by Elevate on Unsplash

In real life, who you hang out with does matter, and can even change your growth trajectory and determine your success or failure in life.

The kind of people you hang out with will determine the kind of life you will have.

When you are with hard-working people, you will not be lazy; when you are with positive people, you will not be depressed.

If you stay with wise men, you will be extraordinary; if you stay with experts, you will reach the top.

Positive people are like the sun, which shines brightly wherever it shines; negative people are like the moon, which shines the…



Friendship, dating and Relationship

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