Signing of our new Framework Agreement 2019–2023 with the Ministry of Cooperation

Wednesday 30th January 2019 is certainly marking a milestone in Friendship Luxembourg’s journey, with the signing of a new Framework Agreement with the Ministry of Cooperation.

Friendship NGO Team
Friendship NGO Luxembourg
3 min readJan 31, 2019


This agreement is in place for 5 years (2019–2023) and will make available to Friendship Luxembourg an annual amount of 2.2 million EUR representing a major increase against the previous Framework Agreement, always subject to Friendship Luxembourg mobilising its 20% contribution of private funds of Luxembourg origin, being an annual 550.000 EUR.

Mrs Paulette Lenert, Minister of Cooperation, and Mr. Marc Elvinger, Chairman of Friendship Luxembourg, signing the new Framework Agreement — © MAEE.

Friendship Luxembourg’s journey with the Ministry of Cooperation started just 10 years ago, with a first co-financing agreement aiming at the “Integrated development of six islands of Jamuna River in Northern Bangladesh”. Both Friendship Luxembourg and Friendship Bangladesh have grown their operations significantly since then, critically thanks to the continuous support of the Luxembourg Cooperation. As underlined by Marc Elvinger, Chairman, during his brief presentation at the signing session, as a member of an international network of NGOs with entities in France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and in Belgium, Friendship Luxembourg is particularly well positioned to fully appreciate the quality of the tools provided by the Luxembourg Directorate of Cooperation in support of non-governmental actors in the field of cooperation: “Predictability (considering the certainty of funding over 5 years), Flexibility and Trust (considering the wide margin of manoeuvre allowed by the agreement regarding the allocation of funds), Relevance and, of course, Volume, are key words when characterising the quality of the support received and represent major factors when it comes to enabling Friendship Luxembourg to optimize its support to Friendship Bangladesh and to its beneficiaries”.

The overall theme of this new Framework Agreement — “Integrated rural development” — remains the same as for the previous agreement, which came to an end at the end of 2018. Friendship’s programs are however in a constant state of development in order to always meet the needs of its beneficiaries. The new framework agreement will include new elements such as the Secondary Education program, or the new “Resilience” program which will allows Friendship to bridge the gap between humanitarian and development aid.

We take this opportunity to convey our heartfelt thanks once again to the Ministry of Cooperation of Luxembourg for its trust and support.

A communiqué by the Ministry about the signature of the new development framework agreements can be found here.

From left to right: Mr. Manuel Tonnar, Director of Cooperation, Mrs Paulette Lenert, Minister of Cooperation, Mrs Véronique Barbieux, Operations Director of Friendship Luxembourg and Mr. Marc Elvinger, Chairman of Friendship Luxembourg — © MAEE.

To help Friendship Luxembourg mobilise its 20% contribution of private funds, any donation counts.

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Friendship NGO Team
Friendship NGO Luxembourg

Friendship is an NGO that helps poor people in Bangladesh. We make it our priority to reach communities in remote areas that are otherwise inaccessible.