6 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day 2019

Friendship NGO
Friendship NGO Bangladesh
3 min readApr 21, 2019

Earth Day began April 22, 1970 when millions of people gathered to protest the damage inflicted on the environment by years of industrialization. Since then, Earth Day has become one of the most popular worldwide days of awareness, with 193 countries and over 1 billion people participating each year. It is an opportunity to raise awareness about climate change and encourage conservation efforts.

“Each and every one on this planet has got a responsibility — every man, every woman, every child. They have to do their small part and it’s only together that we can find a future for our planet.”Runa Khan, Founder and Executive Director, Friendship

Bangladesh is one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world. This Earth Day, let’s come together to protect our country and fellow citizens from the imminent effects of climate change. Here are 6 ways you can help:

1) Ride a bicycle instead of driving. Pollution is one of the many factors that damage our environment. In over-populated Dhaka city, pollution from traffic is rampant. So instead of adding to the already polluted city streets by driving tomorrow, ride your bicycle! Don’t have one? Take a rickshaw or carpool with friends and co-workers. Even one less car on the road is a positive step towards cleaner air.

2) Turn off the lights! Consuming less power means that fewer toxic fumes are released by power plants. So try turning your lights off during lunch tomorrow, and help protect our ecosystems!

3) Conserve water. This year’s Earth Day theme is Protect our Species. Turning off the faucet in between dish-washing or taking a shorter shower goes a long way to protect our beloved Hilsa fish and other marine animals!

4) Don’t litter — recycle! Instead of throwing that tissue or snack wrapper in the gutter, toss it in a recycling bin instead. Don’t see a recycling bin nearby? A trash bin will do! Cleaning up our city streets makes for a healthier and happier city.

5) Donate to a re-forestation effort. The loss of forests in Bangladesh is speeding up the effects of climate change and putting our ecosystems in danger. In the Sundarbans, diminishing mangrove forests are causing harm to both animal and human populations in the region. In Ukhiya, deforestation has stripped Rohingyas’ protection from life-threatening landslides. To help our re-forestation initiatives in these areas, click here.

6) Spread the word! Raising awareness is an important part of conservation efforts. Even if you can’t do steps 1–5, you can still help by telling friends, family members, and coworkers about the importance of protecting our planet.

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