Friendship Clinics Offer Badly Needed Health Services

Friendship NGO
Friendship NGO Bangladesh
2 min readNov 12, 2017
Rear view of one of Friendship’s Health Clinics

Rafiq is a displaced Rohingya with a wife and two children who came into Balukhali camp in Cox’s Bazar with nothing but the clothes on his back and no hope for the future. Even though he had made the long walk there and seemed, at least in outward appearance, in good shape, he was in dire need of medical attention, as was his family.

Rife with internal and virulent disease, he is the product of generations of neglect and lack of access to proper healthcare or even just basic human necessities.

“I thought the clinic building was for registration,” Rafiq says, “I thought medical help would still be much later”.

He was, however pleasantly surprised that it was, in fact, a Friendship clinic, replete with the necessary medical equipment, beds and an attached free pharmacy. All of which came to good use both for him and his family. According to paramedic and supervisor Anjum Anara “People arrived with either disease that can be easily solved, such as fever, cold, etc. Other we can tell have not seen a doctor for long time and have more serious disease. With our 4 clinics now we can receive 600 others every day.” Standing nearby the distinctive red walled and green roofed building is a water tank for use by anyone who needs it and billboards outlining Friendship’s position on dignity and the ethical treatment of every individual.

Front view of the clinic

The Rohingya crisis has reached critical mass. Innocent people displaced by mass persecution and atrocities are fleeing for their lives by crossing into Bangladesh, via boat and over land, creating a massive humanitarian crisis. In response, Friendship has put up 4 clinics in-site in 4 camps, and with your generosity and assistance we seek to expand our services even further.

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