Modern Medicine After Living in Medieval Inhumane Conditions

Friendship NGO
Friendship NGO Bangladesh
2 min readNov 12, 2017
A man and woman behind the pathology lab

Sarina is a good example of the archaic conditions of some of the Rohingya who are coming in to the relief camps in Cox’s Bazaar. When she came to Friendship’s Mobile Pathology Lab, she was unfamiliar with even vaguely modern technology and it was the first time that she was seeing a doctor. The lab techs had to convince her to take her check-up, as she was visibly very ill but she was initially hesitant. She was about to leave before being called in by the paramedics on board.

Sarina and her child were both dangerously unwell, but luckily for her the mobile lab was in the vicinity, the only such facility at the relief camps. Primarily it serves as a medical test and diagnosis lab, referring the patients to the appropriate assistance after administering basic first aid.

A woman with her child in front of the lab

The Rohingya crisis has reached critical mass. Innocent people displaced by mass persecution and atrocities are fleeing for their lives by crossing into Bangladesh, via boat and over land creating a massive humanitarian crisis. In response, Friendship has already set up a mobile pathology lab in place, and with your kind generosity and assistance we would seek to provide further, even better equipped facilities.

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