A decentralized cloud service network

Your cloud computer is provided by shared, user owned infrastructure!

The Friend Platform is progressing towards being able to change how we use computers. By creating a digital ecosystem which covers productivity, gaming, collaboration, software development and trade — on any device, anywhere, through a browser tab — and most importantly, on user owned infrastructure and technology — we are changing the competitive landscape in cloud computing and raising the baseline of functionality inside of the internet itself.

The Friend Network will be the first open source, decentralized infrastructure for working, playing and communicating online — with no compromises. Users get all of the tools they need to run their business, create, share data or simply have fun. With no middle man. With no need to sign or accept a license agreement. The entire system could be compared to running a virtual computer cluster over a Bittorrent network. “Just use a Bittorent client, and you’re in”. Just use a web browser, and you’ve got access to the Friend Platform.

This new status quo changes everything. As long as you can aqcuire a device which can run a modern web browser, you will have access to a powerful cloud computer where you can access any software, plentiful storage and tools to connect to and collaborate with other users.

The Friend Workspace is accessed in a web browser tab. When logged in, you have everything you need to collaborate, work and play.

This is now the internet — a functional computer

Once upon a time, the internet was merely a network of web servers. Here, users could read news or access public services based on text, pictures and simple forms. Much has changed since then, and the graphical display technology within every browser is capable of delivering complex applications, challenging the dominant operating systems in functionality.

The Friend Platform engages with these new technology breakthroughs offered by the web browser development community, and provides the user with a complete embedded desktop and mobile user interface. Here, the user gets a complete operating system experience, enabling desktop and mobile applications that used to be tied to proprietary platforms. Now they are untied.

With the Friend Network, the tools required to work, collaborate and play will be autonomously available — for as long as users want it. As long as there is demand for cloud computing and storage, somebody will be able to earn FRND tokens for offering infrastructure resources that users need.

A key feature is that the decentralized nature of Friend disconnects large corporations from the enablement equation. Individual people or small companies get the opportunity to earn the money for providing data resources to the Friend Network. And so, as long as there are users who want to use the services provided — which will be vast and saturated with great functionality — there will be an incentive for running connected Friend Servers.

Once you get a notebook, tablet or smartphone — or any other capable device — you have all of the tools and resources you need to get productive. Chat and communicate with friends. Develop and distribute your own applications or services. It’s all there, on the internet, as a kind of “intelligent biosphere” — available to you anywhere you may be.

When can I access my Friend cloud computer?

The Friend Platform is already fairly advanced. Our ICO will fund the decentralized version. But already, you can get your own free account at https://go.friendup.cloud — our public facing Friend server. Once the decentralized network is completed, your Friend user account will automatically be upgraded.

We have already lowered the technology risk in the project by developing Friend version 1.2 — the second major update since we published the Friend sourcecode on Github under an open source license. It is our proof that we will be able to deliver on our promise to our ICO contributors — to make Friend a reality.

Friend is available now, and you can be part of it! Welcome to the future!

