Explainer; Using files in Jeanie

Hogne Titlestad
Friend Software Labs
2 min readOct 25, 2022

Jeanie App is a new team oriented platform — it’s focused on getting your co-workers enrolled quickly so that you can start collaborating online. If you haven’t read the previous articles on Jeanie, please take a quick peek here.

When working in teams, having access to the same material and content is of absolute importance. This is why we made sure to put in an easy to use file manager in Jeanie.

The built-in file manager in Jeanie App.

In Jeanie, in addition to each user having a personal home drive, each team also has a team drive. This drive can be accessed by going to Files in the Jeanie side-bar, and then by clicking on the drive that matches your team name under Disks. Here, you can create and access folders as well as files in a familiar way to how you handle such things on your PC.

Jeanie has many features to allow for a complete file management work flow. You can upload files — either by drag & drop from your PC or by clicking the upload button — and you can download files. You can copy and paste files. And you can share and view files.

Jeanie supports several file formats, with many being added soon. Right now, Jeanie can read and write HTML files, memos, Documents, Presentations and Spreadsheets. Additionally, it can display a range of movie and image formats like MPEG/MP4, JPEG and PDF. Office documents supports collaborative editing, which today is a must when working together online.

When editing files, you can also see the activity logged in your personal dashboard. And if you’re looking for a file, you can click search to immediately sift through your drives on keywords.

Many additional features are planned for Jeanie’s file management. For example, we’re working on enabling compression as well as decompression. This way you may use your ZIP files, or create them. We are also enhancing our file sharing, as well as file publishing to non-Jeanie users.

Jeanie has a great road ahead of it! We’re glad we’ve peaked your interest, and that you’re reading this. If you’ve not already done so, why don’t you head over to www.Jeanie.app right now and start a free trial?

