Friend Weekly Update #9

Friend Software Labs
3 min readJul 31, 2018


The Friend team believes transparency is key to building trust in our community. We post weekly updates to share our announcements, achievements, and revisit our goals.

Developer update from Hogne Titlestad

As we are moving closer to the release date of v1.2RC1, we are polishing our APIs so that developers really can start sinking their teeth into our platform. For this purpose, we’re testing our technology against real world apps — like (working title) Magic Image, which is an image processing and painting application for Friend. This will result in developer guides which should help getting more programmers engaged.

Friend founder Hogne Titlestad

We have been working out some final quirks in our newly revamped WebSocket code. This should make the network more reliable for large transfers of data, while optimizing and speeding up all other network activity over this protocol.

We have also started testing with the OnlyOffice community server, which will finally bring an e-mail and calendar application into our ecosystem. Once fully integrated, the Friend Calendar will finally start making sense, and events will be customizable by developers and users across all Friend applications.

The Friend Marketplace

Finally, WeKan was turned into a Friend app. This will enable developers to collaborate and manage their projects in teams — of course inside of the Friend Workspace. This is just the start of our integration with WeKan — which, as with OnlyOffice — will turn some heads for sure.

Message from the CEO — Arne Peder Blix

Summer is upon us and even though we have a lot of activity, which you can read more about below, we are also making sure to rest up the crew for what surely will be a hectic Autumn.

Arne Peder Blix — Friend CEO

Our public sale activity is expecting to gain even more momentum in the second half of August. Our conventional commercial business is thriving and this makes it possible to continue work at speed.

We are also talking to institutional investors (professional capital) and hope we will be able to show acceleration in our ICO progress during August/September.

We remain fully committed to the project and are optimistic about our ability to fully succeed with our ICO. Recent articles about Android, Fuchsia and the need for an alternative, new operating system owned and controlled by its users is further emphasising Friend’s relevance, timeliness and importance. This spurs on our motivation.

Your contribution, investment and support is important and much appreciated.

Media and Events

We attended our Polish Friend meetup in the last week, and presented our platform, products and vision to a captivated audience, and met lots of interested people, before attending the Cryptocurrency World Expo in Warsaw.

You can see some of our highlights here:

And see the Live Stream here:

Join us on Social Media to follow our journey: Telegram, Medium,Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Discord, or our Website for the latest developments!

