The Friend Open Source Project is reaching out to developers

With FriendUP finally assembling a true Open Source Team, we are entering into a completely new phase of the project. It is not every day that a new OS is born, and because of this, it is a unique opportunity for developers to get on board with us now.

Friend is a “massively multi user operating system and environment” that gives users an always online, always available virtual cloud computer where they can develop, distribute their solutions and interact with their users from all over the world.

Imagine the thrills and innovation of today’s Web, but being able to freely transact and interact with others one-on-one, or one-to-many, as an individual, or a small team of developers, without needing to work within the confines of a Google, Apple, or Amazon structure. This is Friend. Your computer or device without walls. The Blockchain’s very own operating environment.

Me working hard in our Norwegian office — a place where innovation happens every day

We are sure that Friend is going to make a powerful impact as it is being inserted as part of the internet structure itself.

To us, the Blockchain is a shared storage medium that frees us from hardware boundaries. It allows us to secure user accounts and give these users a new level of ownership of their new network based computing environment. FriendUP will closely resemble an expansive, permanent and autonomous operating system foundation. And as a contribution to all Dapp developers currently building fantastic new Blockchain based projects, we think it will really make a difference.

Our mission to create a new OS paradigm will take years to fully manifest, but we’re confident that we will complete this work. As can be seen from the code that has already been written — we are well on our way towards our goal.

In these early days, we are forming an Open Source Team structure. The structure will place project participants into certain roles for managing and organizing our development effort. It is something that every project needs. All in all, Friend is a project which concerns itself with freedom. The project structure is going to be kept agile and dynamic, but with a firm focus on our road map.

The vision of Friend was formed over many years. It has deep roots all the way back to Thoth, an OS that was created at the University of Waterloo and the University of Cambridge ca. 1976. This system is the great grandfather of Friend. Here is an excerpt from a document describing this system, which was developed in a time when operating system creativity was at an all time high;

There are several successful operating systems for mini-computers written in high level languages and the time is now ripe for the development of portable systems for such machines. The system described … is primarily designed to provide a friendly interactive multiprocessing environment for a single user. From this point of view, substantial parts of the system are completely machine independent. These include, for instance, the filing system, the command language, text editors, overlaying facilities and inter-process communication primitives.

Our work really started back in the mid 2000s, when a bunch of developers broke out of the AROS project to start building something revolutionary (the Anubis project). Since 2014, we have finally come so far that the base platform is usable and is being adopted by both users and new developers. It is time for a distributed computing architecture that improves on the ideas of Unix and that fulfills the promise that engineers saw in Network Computing.

Artur, our Systems Engineer, working on our upcoming iOS app. He usually wanders the corridors of the Core with Pawel to hunt for dragons.

Friend Network AS, our new company focusing on Friend and Blockchain technology will create bounties, rewards and other ways to get compensated for developer participation — but in the end, it is the exciting chance of being able to positively impact users and developers all over the world that is the real reward.

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