The Friend OS Open Source Project


Since 2014, the developers in Friend Software have been laboring on a new operating system that aims to use the Internet like a computer. The project has been a “closely kept secret” while the team has been working hard to both prove the technology as well as its viability in the marketplace. Now, after more than five years in the making, the project is finally ready for the limelight.

Even though Friend is very early in adoption, being run in about a dozen companies in Scandinavia, the existing team has achieved very much against high odds. Friend already offers its own integrated office suite. Chat and video conferencing. File sharing and file management. Mobile apps for iOS and Android with a full touch environment. Its own Integrated Development Environment. A range of productivity utilities and applets. Third party apps with backing companies who have chosen Friend OS as the base of their products and services.

What we have proven, is that Friend OS is a viable and compelling solution that can offer combined functionality that other projects can’t. It delivers a scalable system that make deploying web based software simpler, with less password prompts and powerful operating system features that accelerate feature development for developers.

We’ve spent years talking to advisors and taking part in Blockchain, decentralization and other high-tech software conferences to learn where Friend fits and with whom to collaborate, resulting in numerous partnerships.

An Operating System

Friend OS was started as meta operating system based on the TRIPOS architecture, a networking operating system first developed by Dr. Martin Richards, and later adopted by Commodore in their Amiga line of computers as part of the Amiga OS. Friend is heavily inspired by AROS (Amiga Research Operating System), but adopts many concepts from contemporary operating systems too, like Haiku OS, Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.

Friend OS aims to become an easy to use, beautiful and expressive operating system throughout its design, from the Friend Core co-kernel that augments the underlying operating system kernel, to the end-user graphical user interface, APIs and command line interface.

Friend has been present all over Europe, looking for talent, building a community and getting feedback from developers. Here, in Warsaw in 2017.

Open Source First

The Open Source project is a core part of Friend Software Corporation’s commercial strategy. From the start, a decision was made to release the entire Friend Operating System as Open Source Software. Friend is a values based company, and as part of our values system, we support moving away from software patents and endorse copyleft and Open Source licenses as a viable alternative.

The Friend Open Source project is filled with open minded people who share values and who are engaged in building a sprawling and fun community around the technology and software ecosystem. It is a place where startups are formed, and where existing businesses find new opportunities. It is a place where IT professionals find new tools. And new friendships and partnerships are formed.

As a horizontal technology — Friend can drive any kind of desktop as well as mobile workflow.


Friend, as a horizontal technology, can integrate with all manners of third party applications — web applications in particular. As an ecosystem, the Friend teams are very open to work with external projects that can run in the Friend Workspace or mobile apps. With the Friend Marketplace (currently in development) Friend cloud instances can be seen as fantastic opportunities for distribution to end users. The Friend Marketplace app installs third party software into the Friend Workspace for users with a Friend account.

Friend interviewed at a Ethereum conference in Paris in 2018.

We see Friend OS as an exciting chance to build a whole new operating system for the Internet age. With a great vision of the future. With security, privacy and freedom at its heart. Later, we will build Friend Books, Linux distrubitions and smart-phone versions of the OS so that users and developers can get deeply immersed in the platform and help us build a new market and software ecosystem that may challenge the OS and Cloud players dominated by Big Tech.


The Friend Open Source project consists of multiple Github repositories for various technologies and applications. Additionally, team members have different roles and different capabilities that make the project a diverse place. This gives new participants several tasks and areas to choose from for their first attempt at helping Friend grow and improve.


The most important people for the project will always be its developers. Friend developers mainly write code in JavaScript, PHP and C for the front-end and back-end systems.

Developers work on the core technology, the user interface, the built-in apps as well as supporting applications for managing the OS. Additionally, they bring in own- and third-party software and integrate them into the Friend Workspace.

Document authors

Technical users and developers write documentation, tutorials and example snippets for use by newcomers — in addition to more indepth reference materials for seasoned Friend developers.

Documentation is an integral part of the project, and we continuously endeavour to improve it. The system has a huge pool of functionality and many use cases which would benefit from easy to read manuals and interactive, searchable material.


Our testers make sure we do not aggregate too many issues across our supported devices. They feed the team tasks which are prioritized by our task master.

Security / penetration testers

Server administrators and white-hat hackers help us to bring a high level of security to the Friend OS. Across our networking protocols, and across our APIs, we need to make sure that user’s data remain safe by being vigilant and proactive. Our current security team needs to grow as we spread our technology across the world.

Community managers

Our community managers evangelize and bring people into the project. They make sure that the open source team and the users are aligned. They make sure developers have what they need, and that the whole community feels part of the project and vision.

Designers / artists

Graphics artists and designers build great UX, artwork and material that can be used in documentation and marketing. Any OS needs to look great! The design needs to compell users to use it. Additionally, designers and artists will have a choice of sub projects and apps to work with, which will mean a continuous stream of challenges and fun opportunities.

Where to start

If you are unfamiliar with the Friend project, your first depo of information is

If you feel like engaging with the Friend team, you will find that our Discord channel contains multiple channels and approachable people who can answer most of your questions:

Friend is hosted on Github. Here, you will find all of the repositories, the source code, the current Open Source teams and documentation.

Choose Freedom | Choose Friend

