Friendz 2.0 is live!

Many updates and features will make the app more fun

3 min readNov 26, 2018


Finally new Friendz App is live on iOS and Android : The challenges are getting more thrilling with the new version of the app!

Quality average, upgrades, design and technology: here’s the new features we have introduced.

Quality Average

It’s the quality of the contents produced by the users. In the new version, the quality average will be split in two: the first is the Quality, the average of the scores given by approvers. The second one is called Status: it represents the average of the scores given by other users. This will encourage other community members to create higher quality contents and will stimulate interactions among other users.


For each activity completed in the app, users are still able to earn credits which allow them to redeem vouchers or gift cards from major e-commerce brands.

The big news is that now credits can also be converted to FriendzCoin, Friendz cryptocurrency launched in March 2018. FDZ can now be used in the app to unlock three types of campaign upgrades:

  • “Reveal the Campaign” allows users to reveal the content of special campaigns in advance. Without FDZ, the campaign will be hidden until the official launch, only the title will be visible;
  • “Unlock the Timer” gives users the chance to join a campaign before the countdown to the official campaign launch is over;
  • With the function “Book a Spot” people can reserve their spot for 24 hours while waiting for the campaign to be live. Since the availability of the campaigns can vary and the amount of contents can be very limited, this is the most awaited feature among Friendz community users.

With the next updates, users can transfer FDZ to an external proprietary wallet.


Friendz app gets a new look to ensure the best user experience ever. Even if the campaign participation process is the same, all sections and icons have been redesigned to perfectly adapt to the new app’s layout, to make it more intuitive and easy to use.


Friendz App has a completely new core. It has been rewritten using the well-known “React Native” framework developed by Facebook. This strategic choice is to ensure, in the future, a faster growth and a more frequent updates release. Even servers have been upgraded: Friendz is now able to welcome more and more users, who can enjoy these exciting updates and features in the future.

Ready to explore the new app? Download the updated version and start having fun!






Fast growing reward-based community on the blockchain