Our Brand Campaigns: Friendz for Iren

Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2018

A campaign that teaches us how to “Live Carefree”

Iren, multi-utility company, has chosen Friendz to launch its new campaign and highlight the values of the special features of its related smart home devices. Iren is one of the most important and dynamic multi-utility companies in Italy, which is active in the electric, gas, heating and teleheating, hydric sector and it also provides environmental and technological services.

In the first phase, Friendz has developed the concept of the hero video “Stai Senza Pensieri” (“Live Carefree”), produced by Combocut, in which a nerdy young man gets helped in his everyday life by an Iren secret agent, always ready to overcome the clumsy guy’s everyday challenges. Iren helps him from the moment he wakes up, by automatically regulating the house temperature, detecting any intruder and, why not, satisfying any little wish (even letting him win a video game match!).

Watch the video: https://www.facebook.com/irenlucegas/videos/256803574978933/

Through Friendz App, users participate in the active increase of the video awareness (published on the Brand’s Facebook page and Youtube channel): they should tag their Facebook friends and comment the videoclip.

What’s more, to create a real campaign amplification, Friendz has created four User Generated Content activities related to the products which appear in the video (Lyric T6, Clairy and Iren Casa Sicura App). These four thematic campaigns will be launched on Friendz App and let the users create fun contents which include everyday family struggles to decide the perfect house temperature, all the milestones they would have reached if they had saved more money on gas and electricity bills, a creative adaption of Clairy and, last but not least, a photo of themselves shot in the wild nature.

Every content will be as usual published together with a personal comment and the official campaign hashtags #Iren #StaiSenzaPensieri (which means “Live Carefree”).

As stated by Iren Mercato CEO Gianluca Bufo,

“our collaboration with Friendz represents a step forward for our commercial strategy: it’s an innovative and further way to get in touch with our clients on the digital media and let them know about our new home devices. With just a few clicks we let our customers, especially those who follow #Irenlucegaseservizi on the social media, to directly find and buy on our e-commerce the best solutions for them.”



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