Our brand campaigns: Friendz for Sandoz

Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2018

Friendz users will take active part in the launch of the new product Flormidabìl.

Friendz is currently working with many brands from different sectors: Sandoz, a Novartis (multinational pharmaceutical company) Division which is in charge of the production and sale of equivalent and biosimilar pharmaceuticals, will tell the formidable stories of thousands of people thanks to the campaign that Friendz has launched for Flormidabìl, nutritional supplement for the intestinal flora.

Sandoz has chosen the digital media to advertise its self-medication products. The data-driven methodology allowed the brand’s Facebook page to reach the highest engagement rate of the entire pharmaceutical sector, even though Flormidabìl is a recently launched product.

In order to touch the users’ hearts, Sandoz has involved Friendz for its community engagement power.

First, Friendz team has registered short videos for the brand, collecting the formidable (taking inspiration from the product name, Flormidabìl) stories of people at different stages of their lives, from children to elderly people, in three main topics: Momenti Formidabili (Formidable Moments), Persone Formidabili (Formidable People), and Equilibrio Formidabile (Formidable Balance).

Flormidabìl will launch one topic every two weeks, and the short videos will be published on the official Flormidabil Facebook page. Friendz community will make these videos viral by sharing them on their profiles.

In addition, for each one of these topics Friendz will launch a user generated content campaign in which the users themselves could tell about “formidable” topics. As usual, every content will be accompanied by campaign hashtags, in this case they will remind of the main topics of the three campaigns #IlMioMomentoFormidabile (My Formidable Moment), #LaMiaPersonaFormidabile (My Formidable Person) #IlMioEquilibrioFormidabile (My Formidable Balance),

and last but not least, #Flormidabìl.



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