When contents meet the community: Friendz at Engage Conference

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3 min readOct 17, 2018

What happens when good quality contents meet a community made of 270.000 individuals?

During Engage Conference, one of the most important marketing and communication conferences in Italy organised by Engage Magazine , we held a speech in which we wanted to involve the audience and prove our users responsiveness.

The speech

Friendz can be considered as a slightly new product in the digital marketing field and its mechanism may seem complex. That’s why, during the introduction of his speech, our General Manager Elia Blei launched a live activity that made the spectators experience the Friendz world and its community engagement power.

Elia asked the audience to pick a word that could complete the sentence “Friendz è…” (“Friendz is….”). As soon as one attendee chose the word “Allegra” (which means “Joyful”, a suitable quality for Friendz indeed!), Friendz launched an Instagram campaign in which users posted a photo holding a sign with the quote “Friendz è Allegra”. The hashtag #EngageFriendz added to the posts let the audience immediately check the incredible results of the campaign.

The live campaign

During her 15 minute speech, Cecilia Nostro, Friendz co-founder, told the story of our company and different Friendz services based on content production (User Generated Content, Video and Photo on Demand). Meanwhile, Friendz users posted 2,000 photos, validated by a staff of 110 photo approvers who have been trained to guarantee speed of approval without missing quality standards, features that are highly demanded by brands that collaborate with us.

Cecilia also underlined that contents produced by Friendz users are unique: 4.5 million photos shot by non-professionals which have reached the astonishing figure of 5,460 billion impressions. A result that could seem unexpected for a non-editorial company!

“Friendz è…” campaign was online until the end of lunch time, so the conference audience could check the results during the break: in a few more hours users submitted 3,511 photos.

The interview

Cecilia and Elia interviewed during Engage Conference

The networking activity

In addition to the live activity, we filled the venue location with colours and energy with a “Friendz style” networking activity: attendees received a packet containing candies and the team business cards so they could keep in contact with us after the conference.

A sweet conclusion for a powerful, “Friendz style” conference!



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