Making Learning Easier

Join us in changing the way we learn

Osioke Itseuwa
3 min readNov 23, 2018


Deleted and republished article

What if there was a way for you and a whole lot of other persons to learn by doing what they already do online; interacting and chatting with friends.

A way people can learn for free and from wherever they are.

And all they need is:

  • a working internet connection (strong enough for WhatsApp) 📶,
  • a smartphone (with a working camera) 📱,
  • a laptop 💻,
  • a Biro/pencil ✍️,
  • some sheets of paper or a notebook 🗒️,
  • an open mind with a willingness to learn 😃,
  • a few hours of their time ⏳.

They get to learn any topic. But they can start with topics like:

  • Design Thinking,
  • Project Management,
  • User Psychology.


They learn through curated smart microcontent, online workshops and discussions that make assimilation easier.

The content for the workshop is structured to fit the short attention span of millennials, hence the term “micro”. Each one happens in 1–2 hours.

Attendees learn via a learn by doing approach, which is a teaching methodology being adopted in schools like Stanford and IDEO U. It is a student-centred and problem-based teaching technique.

The program comes at no monetary cost to attendees and partner organizations.

After going through this program, attendees come out with active knowledge on how to use the learned skills. And for the topics we are starting with, attendees come out with active knowledge on:

  • use design skills to find solutions to their personal and professional problems,
  • use project management methodologies to quickly break down and efficiently execute the work needed to bring the solutions to life as finished work, services or products, and
  • apply emotional cues and behavioural changes to the work, service or product to make it more engaging for you and the intended users.


The rise of platform businesses, digital products, and technology-enabled services has created the need for a specific kind of skilled worker. One that can creatively think of innovative human-centred solutions to difficult problems in a rapidly changing business and personal environment.

These workers work with a mix of design and management skills, a strong understanding of their local environment and the users present. This program gives them a strong understanding of these skills.

For attendees, this increases their value to their organization, and for organizations, this increases their members’ skill and value to them and also increases the organization’s value to their members.

Where do We come in?

We want to help increase the availability of these skilled workers through locally relevant content and social interactions.

We believe by training the individuals who create our everyday products and services, we stand a chance of making a real impact faster, and that is why we are reaching out.

We also believe quality is better than quantity, which is why even though the resources are available at no cost, the main program is private and invite only.

Screenshots from our last class:

Discussions in Slack
Sketches for ideas
Sketches for ideas

If you would like to attend this program please sign up here.

If your organization wants to leverage this program either as training for members or to gain visibility for your products and services, please reach out to us via email at For questions, please read our FAQs.

Join us in changing the way we learn.



Osioke Itseuwa

I love simplifying things and creating beautiful experiences.