Rendering FrintJS Apps with React.js in the Browser and Server

Fahad Heylaal
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2017
I spent more time on this image than writing this post =D

Previously, I wrote about dependency injection and how providers are set up in FrintJS Apps. Today, we will be using the same APIs and render a FrintJS App with React in the browser and server.

Rendering with react-dom

In the most basic and simple example, we can render a React component like this using ReactDOM:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
function MyComponent() {
return <p>Hello World</p>;
<MyComponent />,

We define a component, and then render it using the render function coming from react-dom package by specifying a target node.

The code above assumes you have an HTML element with root as its ID:

<div id="root"></div>

Rendering with frint-react

Before we can render our FrintJS App with a React component, we need to let our App know which component to render.

Let’s create an App first:

import { createApp } from 'frint';const App = createApp({
name: 'MyApp',

Now we will create a React component, and set it as a provider in our App:

import { createApp } from 'frint';
import React from 'react';
function MyComponent() {
return <p>Hello World!</p>;
const App = createApp({
name: 'MyApp',
providers: [
name: 'component',
useValue: MyComponent,


It is by convention that we set the React component as a provider by giving it the name component.

The same convention applies for our Vue.js, React Native, and Preact integrations too, as they can be found on our GitHub organization.


Instead of using react-dom directly, we will be using frint-react package for rendering our App, which will take care of getting the component out of the app, and then render it accordingly.

import { render } from 'frint-react';const App = createApp({ ... });const app = new App();

The render function from frint-react follows similar API as found in react-dom. Only difference is that instead of receiving a Component as its first argument, it receives our App’s instance.

What about server-side rendering?

We have it covered already with our frint-react-server package:

import { renderToString } from 'frint-react-server'const App = createApp({ ... });const app = new App();
const html = renderToString(app);

This also follows similar API to react-dom’s server-side API.

Why not just use ReactDOM directly?

It’s because frint-react’s render function sets the app instance in React’s context, which later allows you to access your App inside your Components using a higher-order component (observe).

Think of it similar to how Redux does it with their <Provider /> component and connect higher-order component.

This gives developers a lot of flexibility when they need to access certain providers for example, without having to keep passing them as props everywhere.

I will follow up by writing another post soon detailing how to access providers from inside your React components.

You can always read our documentation if you can’t wait =D



Fahad Heylaal

Maker of things · JavaScript · RxJS · ReactJS