Musings of the stubborn child.

Megha Jhunjhunwala
From Afar & Close
2 min readOct 27, 2014


(Written in early 2013)

The last couple of weeks have been unexpectedly tough. From realising you are gone, only to come back, yet not here. To social economic pressures and personal expectations from myself and life. In short I’m going through some sort of transition. They always start with deeper tints of blue, moving to shades of violet and red, slowly soaring to yellow and then the calmness of white.

Truth be told, my ego (especially of how I perceive myself) and expectations and guilt can often drive me away from my calling or free flowing path. At times like these, moments of weakness and self doubt, which are all illusions of ones ego, far from our natural way of being, which is love, can cause a turmoil which left me spinning to my own tunes of fear. Wouldn’t it be simpler to have more people who were free from reflections of self consumption and were some what free, to surround yourself with in these hours of darkness? Sometimes even if one is blessed enough to have that support system, more often than not, we are not read to listen. But I guess these rides of life are the teaching ways to lanes of growth and soul evolution.

Most important lesson learnt and revised: There is NO greater strength than Inner Strength.

Another important lesson: A good partner is a great catalyst to provide strength, undying belief, unconditional love and little nudges to accelerate you to your highest potential.

I love Disney movies, whole heartedly. But it’s about time we stop waiting for Prince Charming to come and save us even from ourselves!

Oh! We poor damsels in distress!

Do you really want to spend the rest of your lives being broken and incomplete and lost in the idea of romanticism and wait for your partner to ‘complete’ you?

Imagine what a union it would be if to whole people came together? Life would be limitless. You would be limitless.

And after all that, if you still want to live your fairy tale, look for your Prince, the one who will stand by you, no matter what, with no judgements what so ever, and let you save yourself on your own.

How beautiful!

An ode to love. Endless and forever.



Megha Jhunjhunwala
From Afar & Close

The musings of a travelling chef, writer & artist with boundless impulse. @megha_jh