Caught, by Manjiri Deshpande

3 Thoughts for today:

manjiri deshpande
3 and More
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2015


  1. “Most of what makes a book ‘good’ is that we are reading it at the right moment for us.”
    Alain de Botton
  2. When does the magic of a situation fade? When do we get acclimated to the exceptional? Is this how we get by? Would anything get done if we were constantly gobsmacked? Is this how we survive, how we stay sane? We define a pattern, no matter how exceptional, and acclimate ourselves to it?
    - Frank Chimero, There is a Horse in the Apple Store
  3. “It was all very well occupying the moral high ground on electoral reform, but what really mattered, she thought, was how you treated your mother.” — Alexander McCall Smith, A Conspiracy of Friends



manjiri deshpande
3 and More

Designer, Mother,Wife,Artist, Traveler, Writer. And enjoying every bit of it!