Is Ketovore Right For Me? An In-Depth Look

Janice Schroeder
From Carbs To Keto
Published in
6 min readSep 13, 2024

If you have been following my blog, you know that I have written several posts on my thoughts of exploring the ketovore diet.

I have been kicking the idea around for some time. Maybe it’s guilt that I’m not “doing this right”. Maybe it’s worrying that I might feel better if I cut out some of the keto treats and foods I am eating, especially with artificial sweeteners. Maybe I don’t feel that I am being as successful as I could be, especially with weight loss and improvement of symptoms. Or maybe it’s my anxiety rearing its ugly head. I need to explore all of these feelings, and really dig deep on what’s actually driving them.

Just What Am I Trying To Accomplish?

I recently read an article on decision making. It basically said that if you can’t make a decision, focus on what you are trying to accomplish by making it. In this case, my goals are:

  • Continued weight loss (and keeping it off)
  • A healthier diet
  • Overall well-being (less fatigue, joint pain and brain fog, etc.)
  • Lower cholesterol and blood sugar

Let’s dig a bit deeper.

Am I Losing Enough Weight?

Sometimes I feel like I am not losing weight fast enough. Hypothyroid is a major stumbling block of weight loss. I am fighting an uphill battle; although I am seeing results. I have lost 15 pounds over the last seven months. Yes, it has been slow. But it has been steady. I have not gained. I have not changed my diet at all-I still eat about 50 grams of carbs a day.

I think part of my problem of feeling that I am not accomplishing enough is reading about other people’s miraculous, rapid weight loss on the keto diet. I have warned against this very thing before; falling into the trap of “keeping up with the Joneses”. I am sure that most people who are on keto aren’t fighting their sluggish thyroid. They are most likely doing what most fanatical dieters do; not eating enough and cutting their carbs way too much. Of course, this might work for some. But I think I would be miserable if I cut my carbs and calories by much more than I already have. I most likely would lose weight rapidly, but I wouldn’t keep it off in the long term.

I could tell myself that it doesn’t matter if I lose weight, but I would be lying to myself. I know this should not be my main focus. It is a high priority, but it isn’t the be all and end all.

Is My Diet As Healthy As It Could Be?

Since I started keto, I have been eating mainly a dirty keto diet. I love convenience, and I love treats. Dirty keto means relying on packaged foods to supplement your diet. I do eat things that are good for me, like sugar free yogurt, eggs, meats, etc. But I also eat sugar-free cookies, and chocolate. I have bounced back and forth between low sugar foods and sugar free foods At this point, I am not sure that eating sugar free foods are hurting me. I try to eat more monk fruit, stevia and allulose sweetened foods when possible, but some of the things I eat contain sugar alcohols. There is a lot of debate on whether eating these foods can cause long-term health issues. I am not overly concerned about it.

Sure, I could just eat “unprocessed” foods. But that requires a lot more in the way of preparation. I am not getting any younger, and I have severe arthritis in my back, wrist and hip, This makes it very difficult for me to prepare elaborate meals. I love to cook, but my back doesn’t. The easier and faster the better. I also have to consider that I am cooking for my husband as well, who is not doing keto.

Fatigue Is My Greatest Nemesis

Doing the keto diet, and taking thyroid medication have helped with fatigue, but I still struggle with it. I spoke to my doctor today, and he said he was concerned about my low Vitamin D level. I have a hard time taking supplements; they tend to upset my stomach, and cause heart issues. Even a low dose is hard for me to tolerate. I am taking low dose tablets, but they might not be enough.

My low Vitamin D could be exacerbating my fatigue and joint pain. He suggested eating more foods high in Vitamin D, such as cheese, yogurt and eggs, but I am already eating those. I have looked into taking sublingual drops so that I can adjust my dose.

I have also increased my thyroid medication, but I can only do so every three months. I have recently increased to 50 mcg, which is still a very low dose. I would rather titrate up slowly, than start at too high a dose and end up with hyperthyroid.

I have good days and bad days. Some days I need a nap by 12 pm. On others, I seem to have more energy and less brain fog. My doctor said that he is certain this will improve over time.

Lowering My Cholesterol and Blood Sugar

Your thyroid controls your metabolism, which affects your blood sugar, cholesterol, heart rhythm, and weight.

All of these have been out of control for me for years. I am finally seeing results, albeit small, since starting keto and taking medication. I believe that over time, my numbers will stabilize.

Will I Change My Diet To Ketovore?

Probably not. I am not sure that it would make any difference in how I feel. Knowing myself, and my health issues, I don’t think it’s feasible or sustainable for me. I am happy with my current diet. I am seeing results with very little effort. I don’t have the energy or stamina to cook three meals a day, even if they are simple. I love the convenience of packaged foods.

I have even thought of doing stricter keto. The same applies here. I am not an eggs for breakfast kind of girl. Yes, I know there are other options (like eating dinner for breakfast, just not for me). I like my waffles with sugar free syrup, smoothies, toast with cream cheese and sugar free jam, and sugar free cereal for breakfast. I want to get up in the morning and not have to cook breakfast. I don’t think that I could sustain eating much fewer carbs per day.

I like sandwiches on keto bread, keto cookies and keto snacks. I like making my favorite recipes in my crockpot and instant pot. I like sugar free chocolate, ice cream and whipped cream.

If I can eat these things, and still feel better and lose weight, why not? I track my carbs, fat and protein daily. And for the most part, I stay in my macros.


As the saying goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. I can’t let my guilt get in the way of doing what’s right for me. Is it healthy? Healthy is a relative word. It all depends on your perspective. For me, cutting out sugar and carbs was the right choice. I do eat small amounts of sugar, and I sometimes eat high carb meals in moderation. I would rather enjoy a small amount of something, than completely deprive myself. I don’t want to suck all of the joy out of my life.

There may come a time in my life when I can’t eat anything. At some point, diet won’t matter. But as long as it does, I will continue doing what I’m doing for as long as I can. It is making a difference. And that’s enough for me.

Originally published at on September 13, 2024.

