No Room For Criticism In Keto

Janice Schroeder
From Carbs To Keto
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2024

I came across a post on my Facebook group feed today that made me really angry. I wanted to share it with all of you.

The poster basically criticized online keto recipes that replicate favorites like spaghetti, mac and cheese or other beloved foods that we had to give up. For instance, when the author states that cauliflower mac and cheese tastes just like mac and cheese made with pasta ( I actually don’t see a lot of this in online recipes). She is right; calling something mac and cheese when it’s made from cauliflower is wrong. However, it’s what she said about how people choose to do keto that really grinds my gears.

She insinuated that people trying to replicate their favorite foods were only kidding themselves; that they “shouldn’t” even try to eat these things. That they should stop wanting these foods. That it’s “wrong”. I am here to tell you, it’s not wrong. Some of us that are doing keto still have cravings for these foods. It’s been said that if you stop eating carbs or sugar that you won’t miss them. This is not true for everyone.

I am all about convenience. I am also all about trying to recreate my favorite foods, where possible. But I draw a line in the sand if I think it will turn out inedible. I am not above finding low carb versions of pasta, or even eating french fries once in awhile. If I really crave something like potatoes or stuffing, I would rather eat the real thing every now and then, then try to replicate it poorly. I learned this lesson when I was gluten free. Some things are not meant to be replicated. Sure, you can be gung-ho about doing keto, but where is the joy in that? Life is too damn short. Where is the reward for being so strict with yourself when it is making you miserable. People say they “love” doing clean keto. I’m not sure I believe that. I really think that people, and women especially, will do anything to lose weight, even if it makes them sick. I have seen it with my own eyes in every Facebook weight loss group I have been in. And it isn’t pretty. Here are some of the gems I have seen in my Facebook keto groups:

For example:

  • I’m not sure why, but I’m out of ketosis
  • I gained back 50 pounds of the hundred pounds I lost. I am going back to keto
  • Is this food (picture of said food) okay for keto
  • I just binged on chocolate and cookies (not sugar free). I am a monster

It goes on. People beating themselves up because they think they are doing it “wrong”. You might wonder why I stay in these groups. I don’t always. But sometimes I find a good keto recipe or food I didn’t know existed. That’s the only reason I stay.

I do share some recipes on this blog. But those recipes are worth sharing. They are keto versions of favorite foods that actually taste good. But I find myself relying more and more on packaged low carb and sugar free foods. The KISS rule is a good one to live by.

I have always said that losing a large amount of weight in a short period of time sets you up for failure. Science has proven that most people who lose weight gain it right back, plus more. I am living proof of this. I am beginning to see why I am doing keto in the first place; it’s not for major weight loss. My body wants to hold onto my weight at all costs. Hashimoto’s makes it almost impossible to lose any weight. I am amazed that I lost ten pounds. I see women in these Keto groups that say they lost ten pounds in a week. It makes me wonder just how much they are starving themselves to do it. That just isn’t me.

I started keto so that I could feel better. I have good days and bad days, and I probably always will. That’s just the nature of hypothyroid disease. There is no cure. Diet and medication will not perform miracles. And that’s just fine with me.

Writer, blogger and 60 something housewife who is exploring the keto diet. Follow me on my journey of discovery. View all posts by Janice Schroeder

Originally published at on June 27, 2024.

