Why Are Keto Snacks So Disappointing?

Janice Schroeder
From Carbs To Keto
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2024

Disclaimer: taste is subjective. The opinions in this post are purely my own.

When I started this blog, one of the things I wanted to do was to review keto snacks, treats and other foods. I have made a list of companies that I can contact to receive samples. Some of them are free, some of them require a small shipping fee. But whether free or not, I am determined to give my unbiased opinion.

So far, with few exceptions, the keto treats I have tried have been for the most part great. I can’t say the same for the keto snacks I have tried. Like keto bread, most of them remind me of eating cardboard.

I know it’s really hard to replicate potato chips and nacho chips. I also know that taste is subjective. But for me, texture is a really big part of that taste. Sure, I could give up snacking all together, and being keto, I probably should. But snacking for me is an integral part of my diet. Let’s explore some of the keto snacks I have tried so far: the good and the bad. I will include links to these snacks so that you can try them for yourself.

First, The Good

I really like the Quest line of snacks, bars, and cookies. They are really very good.

Quest Cheese Crackers

You can buy them here

I did a review on these recently. They are almost a dead ringer for Cheeze-its. The texture is great. They have a strong cheddar cheese flavor. I highly recommend these.

Quest Tortilla Style Protein Chips

You can buy them here

These are really good if you like nacho chips. They are crunchy with a really good flavor.

Now, The Not So Good

Better Than Good Foods

You can buy them here

I ordered a “free” sample pack from their website and paid $6.00 in shipping. I really wanted to like these. The company was formed when their son was doing chemo, and they needed high protein snacks for him to eat while he was undergoing treatment.

I could not get past the texture of these protein puffs. They were really grainy and had a weird texture. The sweet puffs were not even really that sweet. I tried several packages before I tossed them out. While I admire the reason behind the snacks, I think they could be improved.

Wilde Chips

You can buy them here.

I contacted the Wilde Company for samples and received coupons for two free bags. I decided to try the Chicken and Waffles chips. I really had high hopes for these.

The chips are small. Even though they are made from chicken, they are a bit grainy. The maple syrup flavoring overpowers the chicken flavor. It could be toned down a bit. They are okay, but I won’t buy them again.

Beyond Chipz

You can buy them here

I found these chips in my local Kroger. I wanted something to make nachos with. While they tasted okay, again, the texture was like cardboard. I couldn’t get past it. I ended up tossing them out.

I have ordered samples of their pretzels. I am hoping they are better.


So the Quest (pun not intended) for a really good keto snack continues. In case you are going to say “what about pork rinds?” I hate them. Again, it’s a texture thing. I admire these companies for trying to provide good keto snack options. But I also wonder who is taste-testing these snacks? I ran into the same problems when I was gluten free. Some things just can’t be replicated. But I am not giving up just yet. There are more snacks out there to be discovered.

Have you tried a really great keto snack? Please share in the comments and I will review it.

Writer, blogger and 60 something housewife who is exploring the keto diet. Follow me on my journey of discovery. View all posts by Janice Schroeder

Originally published at https://fromcarbstoketo.com on July 20, 2024.

