
Wilma De
From Empire to Europe
2 min readJun 7, 2016

Let’s talk about one of the more overlooked branches of economy that is starting to fear the “Leave”-campaigners. Experts believe (sorry Michael) that the art market will be greatly affected through Britain’s EU exit. Millions of pounds for British museums and cultural projects would not be granted anymore and nobody knows where else they would come from as there are starting to be significant cuts to the cultural sector.

One example of a partly EU funded project (with 150,000 Pnds) is among the “top ten landmarks” in Britain as awarded by the BBC. The “Angel of the North” by Sir Antony Gormley with its steel aesthetic is supposed to remind people of industrial times in the vast coal mining area around Gateshead in the North of England.
Ironically, the leave campaigners illegally projected the message “Vote Leave, Take Control” on the artwork in question.

This proves firstly, that they have no idea about their own campaign and secondly the recently made Brexit-Relationship-Analogy on #InOutLive: When the European Union has positive effects, noone notices them, because British politicians won’t admit to them doing something reasonable. According to that young man on the show it is like in a relationship when you break up because the girlfriend gets on your nerves and only afterwards you start appreciating the good stuff about the relationship.

And this is how Britain is going to feel if they actually get out to “Make Britain Great Again” as the German comedian Lutz van der Horst campaigned on location in London city. He also threatens that the British would not be allowed to take part in the European Football Championship anymore. Well, British people. Think wisely.

