Brexit: to happen or not to happen that is the question

From Empire to Europe
2 min readJul 5, 2016

When the British people voted for the Brexit last week it surprised many people worldwide. Despite the fact that this decision was made the Brexit remains a tough issue and its implementation seems to be at stake.

First, there were many claims that voters did not know what they were voting for or against (as depicted by Google searches). Others stated that they simply voted for the Brexit despite being against it because they thought it would never happen anyways. Then especially the older generations were blamed for taking away the younger generations future. The younger generations seemed not to care about the Brexit that much before the results were published as only 34% used their chance to vote. Hence, there was a petition for a new referendum. As you can see so far, the population seems to be really uncertain and split about this issue. But what about the politicians?

One of the first reactions of the results was David Cameron’s announcement that he will resign from his position as Prime minister. Since he has been a supporter of the remain-campaign I can understand his decision to quit and his call for “fresh leadership” that is bold enough (or maybe stupid enough?) to take that Brexit-step. Ironically, however, the two main politicians of the leave-campaign, namely Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, also withdraw from their leadership contest and position of party-leader. Additionally, with the vast majority of MPs firmly being in the remain-camp it seems like nobody wants to fulfill the Brexit and initiate Article 50 of the Lisabon treaty. While the EU wants a fast resolution it is actually questionable whether the Brexit will happen all together. Especially since the referendum is not binding and nobody seems to be willed to perform the split anyway. Ignoring the referendum and thereby ignoring 51, 9% of the voter’s whishes would however surely ignite new rage and anger towards the government. So what do you think will happen with the Brexit-result?


