“Captain Britain would fight to remain in the EU”

Joyce Timmers
From Empire to Europe
2 min readJun 21, 2016

He is the country’s first Marvel superhero and the champion of the United Kingdom — but how would Captain Britain vote in the EU referendum?

Chris Claremont, the writer who helped create him 40 years ago, claims that Captain Britain is in the remain camp.

Captain Britain was created by Claremont and the artist Herb Trimpe and was the first original character created for Marvel UK. His alter ego Brian Braddock gets his new identity by Merlyn, who grants him the abilities to become Britain’s super - powered champion. According to Claremont, that means being a champion for all Brits — including immigants.

Claremont believes Captain Britain’s experiences across the parallel universes would make him realise the value of being in the European Union.

His role is to see the bigger picture and to stand up as an example of things worth fighting for, to foster a sense of commonwealth. Captain Britain is not about representing an empire, he’s about standing up for everyone and fighting for the betterment of all. That’s not such a bad ethos for a super-hero.

In my opinion, this is exactly what the Britains should do. Stand up for each other and do the right thing by staying in the EU.

Claremont makes a good point by summarising the aspects Captain Britain stands for and therefore those Britain itself is associated with. I personally think that Britain should continue standing for those values and should not try to act all alone. As Claremont states:

He would definitely vote for the UK to stay in Europe. From his perspective, we don’t move ahead by building a wall around our bit of the global village.

Captain Britain would fight to remain in EU, says superhero's creator


