Christopher Husse
From Empire to Europe
2 min readMay 10, 2016


Does the Brexit comes with a national security risk?

Is the statement of a higher national security risk just a propaganda for a “No” against the Exit of Britain or are there real threats for the national security?

Prime Minister Cameron said “Our membership of the EU does matter for our national security and for the security of our allies, which is one reason why our friends in the world strongly urge us to remain in the EU,” but is this true? Furthermore, former defence officials arguing that EU membership was critical to deterring Russia, containing North Korea and combating Islamic State (IS). The proponents of the Brexit say the opposite. One of the major points in the Brexit debate is whether the “uncontrolled” migration from the Middle East transports terror cells to the UK and therefore, the UK would be safer when they leave the European Union.

I believe that none of the position is right. In the following, I explain why. First, I will check the position of the proponents of the Brexit. For instance, the border of the UK is already less permeable than those in continental Europe, for both geographic and institutional reasons. Brexit would not make it significantly more or less difficult for foreign terrorist organisations to infiltrate the UK, or significantly change their ability to access weapons. Furthermore, there were over 30 Islamic extremis plots and attacks since 2001 and UK citizens conducted almost all of them.

On the other side, to leave the UK would not mean that Britain would lose their military cooperation. For example, Britain is in the NATO and works closely together with the US government. One argument might be that the intelligence agencies won´t work together so closely. However, I think that would not be the case, because the cooperation will exist regardless of EU membership or not. It is in the interest of all states to keep the threat from terrorism at a minimum. The UK would create a new intelligently sharing system with the other EU states.

Therefore, I conclude that Prime Minister Cameron tried to fear his own citizen, for the purpose that they will vote against a Brexit. I can understand the situation the Prime Minister is in and that he tries everything to convice his citzien to stay in the EU. However, to “lie” to his own citizen is morally questionable.

