Going back to being a souvereign country?

Lukas Bennemann
From Empire to Europe
2 min readMay 5, 2016

With the referendum coming up, a lot of discussing and debating has taken place over the last weeks and months and will most likely continue to do so over the course of time. The UK is deciding whether or not it will detach from the EU and therefore from a lot of other priviledges and options such es trade advantages etc. These things have already been spoken about. However, what I want to point out is that not only are there issues within the UK itself with Scotland wanting independence (see referendum in 2014) but there could also be other issues or a wider picture behind it which has not been seen so far.

What I am assuming is that the UK has always been ‘a bit different’ to the mainland of Europe. And I am certain that they are proud if this and want to keep this status. This can be seen by little aspects such as the driving on the left side of the road, the differenc currency — despite being in the EU — and little things such as different volt charges etc. All this makes the UK differnent and in a way unique to the rest of Europe. Nonetheless, what I am going for is that this could be a push to being independent again, showing the world that they can still stand and fight (in an economical sense) for themselves. Although what we are seeing and been watching over the last centuries is a decline in the Empire to a more European way of life but I can well imagine that some people are still very proud of their history and believe in their country to be self-sufficient. So in a way what we could see here is a step “from Europe to Empire”.

I know that this seems far fetched and I am certain that this is not going to happen or even possible as international trade and exchange is vital for every economy these days and also the UK will never be as powerful as it used to be but nonetheless I am arguing that this is and can be a perspective which can be discussed. Further information on this topic and what the UKIP stands for can be found here.

