Christopher Husse
From Empire to Europe
2 min readJun 21, 2016


Last week with John Oliver- A funny approach to debunk the arguments for a Brexit

John Oliver is a British Comedian and television host in the USA. He is widely known in the United States for hosting HBO’s “Last week with John Oliver” and for his work on “The Daily Show” with John Stewart. His last episode was all about the Brexit and he states that “Britain would be crazy to leave it [European Union]” and that it “could have wide ranging complication to the UK and the World economy”. His episode starts off with a short definition of the European Union and that the UK stayed always an arm length away from the EU. During his episode he starts to debunk every major argument from the Brexit-voters and calls this arguments “bullshit”.

Boris Johnson and his Bus

Let us start with the main argument from Boris Johnson. He said that Britain has to pay 350 million pounds every week. John Oliver explains that this is not true. The actually amount is 190 million pounds if you consider the rebate the UK receives and the money the EU sends back for British infrastructure. He further argues that if the UK would leave the EU, they would pay just around this amount of money to enter the common market. Consequently, Britain would not save any money.

The next argument is the owner’s regulation. The pro Brexit voters argues that they could take back control over their country and keep their Sovereignty. They think that the EU has to many regulations which comprise the UK citizens. John Oliver takes out an example from the Brexit movie about pillow cases and “blew up that frame”. During this process, he clearly shows that the benefits to take back control over the regulation is overstated. For instance, a lot of regulations aren´t important and secondly, if Britain wants to continue to trade with the EU, they have to accept these regulations anyway.

The last point is that the anti immigration views of the pro voters tends to racism and that one of the leadings groups the UK independents party (UKIP) supports such a behaviour.

Furthermore, he warns that leaving the EU could destabilise the British economy. John Oliver shows how economics expert groups all say that it would have a negative effect on the British economy. Thus, the response to that from a pro Brexit voter was hilarious. Watch it yourself on youtube:

