Pro Brexit! A different opinion to the Brexit!

Christopher Husse
From Empire to Europe
2 min readJul 5, 2016

I know this might go against the common opinion to the Brexit, but I think that many people who voted to leave the European Union were right to do so. As we have already spoken in the seminar, there are lot of citizen, who have a really hard time and it keep getting worst for them. The housing situation is horrible, the wages are going down and they are no jobs. Now they can decide wehter to stay in the EU and nothing changes for them or to vote to leave and try a different approach. Thus, from the perspective of a citizen of the underclass or middle-class in the outskirts of London or Manchester it is only logical to vote for a Brexit. Furthemore, Britain has nowadays a lot of european competitors, who can produce the products cheaper and therefore, they can sell more profitable than the other. I think that government of Britain never realized that huge problem in their own country and therefore, they did not to anything against it. Or maybe they tried but could not do anything against the regulation of free trade from the European Union.

The next point why I think that it is good that Britain voted to leave the European Union is a selfish one. I hope through that referendum the government of the European Union realize that they cannot work without the legitimation of the people. The European Union started as a power who focused only on market economy and I still think they focus only this one reason. If we look what the European Union does right now, we see a policy for big companies and for the free enterprise economics. For instance, the trading deal with Canada CETA will be enacted without asking the people of Europe.

Just let me give you another example, the European Union thinks about to privatize our Water, which would mean that companies decide how much it cost or how good the quality of water is. And again they want to skip the national governments and decide for them, which is not acceptable to me.

To conclude, the EU is on a way to open our countries for major companies and does not care about the common citizen. However, I still think that the European Union can be a good institution and that can help us, but for that it has to do policy for the citizen and not for the companies.

