Refelctions over a cup of coffee

Niklas Müller
From Empire to Europe
1 min readJul 12, 2016

I pushed this class away alot! To be totally honest I had always hoped that I would somehow get a better deal then the 8 o’clock spot which forces me to break with my normal sleep circle. But boy oh boy was i glad i did so! I find it rarely happens that in our studies the topic of our classes are so iminantely relevant as it was with this course. The Brexit brouht a whole new level to this class. I was furthermore pleasently suprised by the mix of study material in class. I rember Joffrey’s power point presentations well from CS I. I liked them then and after five semesters of comparison i now appreciate them alot! The documentaries we watched I must admit I looked for and watched at home. So is there something to improve? Only one thing comes to mind: the early hours. I am no my best so early in the day and I am sure most of my fellow students feel the same. So if its possible change the time or provide coffe ;). I find it regrettable that this cours wont continue but on the other hand: If Britain is turning over a new page so can this course.

